Nice To Meet You (3)

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Apparently my speech that I made up as I went broke through the shells of these dumbasses. Most of them took everything I said into consideration. Some even came up and thanked me. Rick came up and patted me on the back. I thought I even saw him crack a smile. "I think we should pack up and find a new place. The fences are getting weaker every day and we're running low on supplies in the local area." The macho black man said.

"What about the people who are too sick to travel? I don't want Glenn dead just because we listened to some 14 year old girl who doesn't know anything." The short brown haired girl said crossing her arms. Well damn bitch. Thanks for killing my vibe. "Two things honey, one I'm 16 year old and second, if I could survive on my own for this long I'm pretty damn sure I know what I'm talking about." I grumbled.

"Bryn, Maggie, quit arguing. That doesn't get anyone anywhere." Rick butted in. Maggie rolled her eyes and walked to the Asian boy who was coughing which I assumed was Glenn. "Everyone pack up your things and be ready to leave in 15 minutes. We don't know how much time we have left until The Governor will be here." The old man said. "But daddy—." Maggie began.

"No buts. That's what's happening so go." The old man said cutting her off. Cut off like his leg must have been cut off? I silently laughed to myself. So they must be father and daughter. Maggie stormed off into the prison with Glenn slowly following behind. Also the blonde haired bitch from before shortly followed along with the rest of the group besides Carl, the baby, and the man with the crossbow.

"I'm Daryl. Ye got some guts ta stand up der' and talk like that." He said. "Thanks. Nice crossbow." I said changing the subject. He nodded then walked into the prison. Carl was sitting at one of the old lunch table playing with baby girl in the carriage. "Is she your sister?" I asked. He looked up at me. His eyes instantly lit up. "Yeah, her name is Judith." He slightly smiled.

I nodded. "Where's your mom?" I asked. His smile automatically faded and he sat silent for a second. "She died giving birth to Judith." He slowly choked out. Oops... This is awkward. "I'm sorry." I said resting my hand on his back. He grinned and then stood up. "Could you watch her while I go pack up my stuff?" He asked. "Sure thang." I smiled and took his spot at the table looking at the little girl.

I slightly rocked the car seat and she began to giggle. I never thought I'd see a baby in this fucked up world. After a few minutes the first person ready to leave was two little girls who must have been sisters. They came up to the table and sat across from me and Judith. "I'm Lizzie." said the older one of the two. She had long dirty blonde hair that was pulled up in a low messy pony tail. She had dirt on her face and her clothes were tattered up rags.

"I'm Mika." said the younger sister. Her hair was a little lighter and reached to about her shoulders. Her clothes were dirty but for the most part in one piece. Both of the girls were super skinny. They couldn't weigh more than 80 pounds and the looked like they were 9 and 11 years old. "Bryn." I smiled at them praying that they didn't want to start a conversation.

A few seconds later Maggie, Glenn, blondie the bitch, and the old man walked out. Maggie and the bitch gave me a dirty look but Glenn and the old man came over to me. "My name's Hershel and this here is my son-in-law Glenn." The old man introduced. "I'm Bryn. It's nice to meet you both." I faked a smile. Hershel took a seat next to me and looked over at Maggie, Glenn, and blondie.

"Don't let Maggie or Beth get to you. They're splitting images of their mothers." Hershel laughed really hard. I laughed too, to make it seemed like I was listening. He stood up and patted my back. "You'll fit in just fine, kid. Don't be afraid of anyone." Rick and Carl walked out next. Rick went to talk to Hershel and Carl came to sit next to me. "Thanks." He grinned setting his bag down on the ground to sit next to me with Judith in the middle of us.

"Anytime." I said more to myself then him. Next Daryl, the woman with the katana whose name is Michonne, and the one black man, Bob can out. Lastly Tyreese and Sasha who were brother and sister came out with their stuff. "Bryn come inside with me to get anything else anyone missed." Rick said motioning me to follow him. I nodded and got up from where I was sitting and followed Rick inside.

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