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"I'm such a fool;
I fall too easily
with anyone
willing to love me
in the moment.
I get attached,
and they go home."


Mr. Lim, our English Literature teacher finally entered the class after being late for almost fifteen minutes. He apologized for being late, and told the class to pass the homework we did about our thoughts of one of the popular works of Shakespeare which is Romeo and Juliet.

I never liked that story, but from what I wrote in my paper was the complete opposite. I turned to Taehyung to get his assignment to pass it in front, and he only gave me an oblivious look. "I don't have an assignment." He said, nonchalantly.

"You what?" He was about to repeat what he said, but I stopped him. "I heard you." Immediately, I took out the first page of my homework where my name was type written on it.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm giving you my homework." I answered back at him once I gave him the last two remaining papers.

"Why would I accept this?" He asked, quite irritated of what I was doing. Shit. I'm already giving away my homework, and he won't accept it? Unbelievable!

"Just accept this, will you?" My eyes sort of widened as I kept handing it over to him, but still he won't accept it. "Whatever, I'm writing your name on it." I turned to my desk, and quickly wrote his name on the right upper corner of the first page, and passed it in front.

"I know what you did, missy!" Byunghun said, sounding more like a threat as he raised his perfectly shaped brow at me.

"What?" I avoided his gaze, guilty of my actions.

"If this is the way you flirt with a cute guy, then it's just too wrong!" He whispered, scolding me but it was loud enough for Taehyung to hear at the back. "What would you want him to remember about you? That you gave him your fuckin' assignment because he doesn't have his? What if you finally dated, and hook up? What do you want him to moan during sex?" He paused, rolling his eyes. "Oh babe, thanks for the homework you gave me in Mr. Lim's class. Ahhh, that was so sexy!" He said, pretending to sound sexual in a manly deeper voice—a deep voice with a note lower than his usual voice. I just closed my eyes shut for a second, wishing Taehyung is not hearing this.

"I wasn't flirting. I was trying to help!" I blurted out the stupidest excuse ever.

"Trying to help my ass." He said, then glanced in front to see Mr. Lim checking each paper one by one. "You're so dead." He mumbled.

"Ms. Kwon?" Mr. Lim called out all of sudden, making me almost jump in my seat. He walked towards my direction then stood over my desk. "Seems like you didn't do your homework. I was actually looking forward in seeing yours."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lim. There was an emergency last night." I lied, slightly glancing at Taehyung through my peripheral vision. He badly wanted to talk, but good thing, he didn't.

"Okay. Since it was an emergency, I understand." He nodded his head, "But I was really looking forward to your assignment. Might as well share your thoughts about Romeo and Juliet? And I'll just grade you according to your answers." He then shifted to the class to say something, "Remember class, there's no incorrect or correct answers here. I just want to know your thoughts about the story, students."

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