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"You gave me your heart,
and I gave you all of mine"


The next day, I woke up at ten-thirty in the morning. The bright light escaping through the curtains landed into my face. Attempting to avoid it as I moved, I have failed. I gave up and immediately sat up to get my phone on the nightstand where I heard it buzzed. I opened it to see four messages from Sooyoung, Yeri, Sungjae and Taehyung.

Ugly Sooyoung 💩
Good luck, Areum! Love lots! 😘
Received: 9:09 AM

Ugly Yeri 💩
Enjoy your day! Good luck, Areum! 💓
Received: 9:16 AM

Ugly Sungjae 💩
Hey, ugly! Have fun today!
Received: 9:24 AM

Taetae 😍
Gonna pick you at 12 nn today
See you later! 😉
Received: 9:46 AM

I giggled to myself as I read each text message from my friends and Taehyung. I'm glad I have supportive friends who are obviously rooting for me. This is exactly what I needed the most. I needed some cheering up from my friends, and they just did it, and I couldn't be more happier.

I got up from the bed and did some stretching and listening to music before I entered the shower after. After twenty minutes, I was done showering and brushing my teeth. Later, I started looking for clothes, and it took me exactly thirty minutes to find the perfect-yet-simple attire. I found a pink sweater, a white jumper skirt and a pair of white sneakers. It might be just a normal day for most people, but for me, it wasn't. It felt like my life was dependent on it. I badly want Taehyung's parents or anyone who's related to him to like me as his girlfriend.

After I got out of the shower, I dried my hair more and dressed myself. I looked at the time on my phone, and it was already thirty minutes before twelve. I hurriedly blow-dried my hair, and just straightened it quickly after. I just applied a moisturizer in my face and a lip tint on my lip for my finished look since I was already running out of time.

I grabbed my white small shoulder bag, and put all the necessary things inside like my phone, wallet and other small stuff. Then, got downstairs to go to the veranda, and waited for Taehyung there, so he could see me easily. As I waited, I texted my mom that I'll be out of the house, and spend my day with Taehyung, so she wouldn't worry if she got home and I wasn't here yet.

Exactly five minutes before twelve, I heard a car beeped in front of our gates which caught my attention. I stood up from my seat, and saw Taehyung's hand out of the car window, and waved at me from the driver's side.

With a smile plastered on my face, I jogged towards his direction. I opened the car door from the passenger's side as I got there. "Hey."

"Hey." He smiled at me. "Looking good as usual." He complimented.

"You look good too." I smiled. Taehyung was wearing a light blue Chinese-collared buttondown shirt, a pair of black pants and white sneakers. I noticed that the first button of his shirt was unbuttoned which revealed a little of his olive skinned chest. I pressed my lips together, thinking of peaceful thoughts to distract me from Taehyung's exposed skin.

"You nervous?" He asked as he steered the wheel to turn around.

"Kind of, but I'm good." I told him and after I said it, I felt his hand on top of mine. Dumbfounded, I looked at him.

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