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A/N: This is an AU (alternative universe) so Mikey isn't actually Gerard's brother in this fic.

Frank's POV:
The day seemed to go by fairly slow and I was desperately waiting for the end of the day so I could go home and do...stuff. Soon the bell rang and I quickly grabbed my bag and walked to my favorite subject in school which is of course lunch. "Hey, do you want to sit with my friends and I?" a familiar voice asked. I turn around and see the one and only Brendon. "Uh...sure" I say unfamiliar with the feeling of being included. Usually I was excluded. Excluded from my father and his new picture perfect family. Without his "fag" of a son. Without his regret of a wife. Excluded from the cliques and the friend groups. Excluded from what felt like everything. The only time I didn't feel excluded was when I was listening to music. It felt as if I wasn't in anyway flawed for those four minutes. It felt like I was actually normal despite the fact that I hated that word. Because when that song played it felt like I had people who understood me and knew what I felt when the song was over and reality smacked me in the face. Yet they wanted to include me.

As we got to the cafeteria a boy with brown hair and a baby face approached us. "Hey babe." "Hey." "I assume you're Frank." He held out a hand and gave me a friendly handshake. Then two more boys came over and introduced themselves as Mikey and Pete. This is more friends than I've ever had but strangely I actually liked it. We made our way to the lunchline to see what was in store for our meals today. "Ugh I hate Chili dogs." "Why don't you stop being an ungrateful little bastard like your faggy boyfriend, Brendon Urine?" "Are you just mad because I actually have a boyfriend unlike your 45 year old self, Helga?" Brendon exclaimed in one breath. At that point I was crying because Brendon was so damn good at clapbacks. I look up to see none other than Helga the lunch lady scowling at me whilst holding a ladel full of chili. "You want some chilli on that dog?" "No m'aam." "Good. I wasn't going to give any to you anyways." After paying I followed my new friends to  their table.

"So Frankie do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?" Pete asked after breaking the silence that was full of everyone shoving food down their throat. Probably like they shoved other things down their throats. "No, but from what I understand all of you are dating right?" " you have a issue with that?" "Mikey, calm down he was just asking a question" Ryan exclaimed making sure to cut Mikey's sentence short. "I'm sorry Frank just after everything that happened and..." "After what?" Everyone looked at Pete, then at each other, then at me each time sharing a look of worry and possible...regret? I'm not exactly sure what that look was but I know I've seen it before. I've seen it plastered on to my mother's face when my dad announced he was leaving. "Nothing...I mean unless Pete wants to tell yeah." Ryan finally piped up out of the four. I decided to let it slide considering they'll probably tell me later anyways.

"Just to let you know I actually am gay." "I assumed that considering the way you were looking at Mr.Way during first period." "Oh fuck off, Brendon! He isn't even that hot..." "Oh, really?" "Well I heard he actually is gay-" "HE IS?" I say accidentally cutting Mikey off. "Seems like you do have a thing for Mr. Way don't you?" I flip off Brendon in response only to get laughter back.

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