Truly gone..

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- Jeffs pov-

I felt the wind shift behind me. I turn around to see jacks back to me. I slightly roll my eyes ' he got scared again. Something was off some how it felt like the world had stopped.

" jack why're you standing so close its kinda annoying"

An unknown voice came from the other side of lj.

" jack is tat this guys name.... humpf' ill have to tell zaglo about this kill talk to you later jeffery" 

I watched as the man in red walked out of the house. 'Did he say kill pffff.. what an idiot' i take a few steps away from lj, and that's is when i saw it. There sticking out of lj's back was the end of a dagger. I couldn't tell what was going threw his mind at that moment, but he has a smile on his face. That idiot has a smile on his face!

" s-so t-this is how it ends..... h-he he how sad..."

I couldn't help it at this point i was at least three second from sobbing my heart out.

" Jack please don't say that we can call dr. smiley and ..and he'll be able to-"

" no jeff its to late for that i'm already turning into dust like all laughing jacks -in -a- box that's how we all die"

" N-NO jack please i love you ok please don't leave me!" i'm sobbing at point.

He looks at me with just a smile on his face.

" i love you too jeffery woods" At that point he explodes into dust all around me just like that. he was gone. He was gone and he wasn't come back.....He... He.... He left me.

- normal pov-

Jeff let out a heart wrenching scream of sadness waking most of the house. He couldn't control his body as he sobbed slowly trying to collect all the dust pieces of what used to be lj.

At first when people didn't try to stop jeff knowing what happened and how jeff felt. Then they had to pry jeff away since he wouldn't stop which took a lot of effort and at least 30 pasta.

And that's how , at a very very very sad moment, jeff figured out that a broken toy was worth keeping.


i almost cried writing this guys so if you do i'm sorry 

but wait there's more!! 

and i'm sorry if you guys like zaglo , but in this story hes the bad guy

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