Chapter 11

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  I found him, he was at our tree, and I proceeded to sit near him. He was at one side, and I was at the other, just close enough to hear each other breath.

  All the feelings came back, the passion that we both had. My feelings regained, it was all perfect again. This time he didn't hide, but I did. The roles were reversed, he felt like me and I felt like him. Now I was the one noticing everything about him. I saw every detail there is to see.

  The way he wrote in his journal, how he held the pen to do so. How he wrote freely without any rush. His hand writing. The concentration he had. How he focused so much to be able to drift off in his writing. I figured every detail that I could see, absorbed every single drop of it.

  He's gorgeous, I couldn't have noticed that before, he didn't let me, since he was always hiding from me, but now I can see him clearly. I don't let him see that I'm watching, we're still playing our game, now it's just reversed.

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