Chapter 3

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At the North Pole, all the guardians had arrived. North received shouts of anger and worried questions from his fellow guardians.

"Why were they here?'

"Did something happen?'

"Was Pitch back?'

North tried call everyone down. He was about to explain everything that had happen in the last few hours but Tooth beat him to it with an important question.

"Where's Jack?"

They all looked around curious and worried for their little ice guardian was not here. They knew that Jack would have been the first one here if there was trouble. It seemed odd to them that he wasn't here.

When Bunnymund saw the sad look on North's face he knew that something was wrong. Bunny just like his fellow guardians, hoped it wasn't too serious.

The spirit of wonder told his friends that they should sit while he tell the story of what happen so far.


Jack was safely inside the cavern looking out into the blizzard that was outside. Jack was excited by the heavy snow. Since his power was of ice and snow the child watched in admiration. Wanting to reach out and touch it, Jack knew he would get in trouble with his father, Jakul. The Pooka allowed the little 5 year old to look out into the snow but that was it. Jack was forbidden to step outside into blizzard that might cause him harm. So the boy was happy watching his element do its work instead, in the cold winter.

As the wind howled, Jack though he heard another sound. It was not a sound you would heard from the storm but something making it ways through the snow. Head perked up to the sound, in the distance. Jack could see glowing yellow brown eyes coming closer to the cave. Terrified that it might be some dangerous beast, Jack ran inside the cave and hid in his father's arms/paws.

When young Jack buried himself in his arms, the large Pooka woke up immediately. Looking down at his scared kit, Jakul looked back at the mouth of the cave to hear rustle. Standing up on his paws, the Pooka let out a growl. His kit trying to hid himself by behind his father for protection.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that the intruder entered their home. First thing that entered was a large light brown paw that was very similar to Jakul's. When the rest came in, Jakul and Jack saw that it was a female light brown Pooka. She looked at the two and saw who lived in this cave.

Trying to find a safe haven from the horrible blizzard, that once she saw the cave she headed for it. She was surprised to see another Pooka but what really struck her was the child. Human he looked, she could tell that he was not an ordinary human. Curious she was about the little boy, she saw how the brown Pooka growled at her. She remained relaxed and calm while the other looked ready to defend. She nonchalantly walked to the other side of the cave and laid down.

Jack watched the female as she laid there. She looked back at them with a seductive smirk as she began to clean herself. Jack watched her with curiosity since he had not seen another one of his father's kind before. He heard his father let out a snuff of frustration at the female as he felt himself be picked up by his hoodie and laid in his father's paws possessively.

Jack watched as Jakul growled at the female. Letting her know that she could spend the night, but once the storm was gone she would have to leave. Nothing came from the female as she watched them. Letting out another huff, Jakul put his head over Jack as he closed his eyes to sleep.

Jack watched the female give a big yawn as she too fell asleep. Jack felt his eyes droop as sleep encased him. Finally they all were out as the storm outside raged on.


It had been two days now and the female Pooka refused to leave. Jakul had told her she can stay the night not two days. Jakul would growl at the female whenever she entered the cave. It made it harder for Jakul to provide for Jack and himself since the female stayed. He couldn't hunt and leave Jack here with the female since she may eat him.

Even though Jack was getting better with his ice powers Jakul knew a few things about this female Pooka. One she was an excellent hunter, do to lately bringing in bigger game whenever she went out. It was like she was taunting Jakul, for he would bring back some game such as part of a deer, groundhog, or some kind of bird. But that was because of Jack and fear of being too far from the den.

She brought back a young buck for crying out loud. She must have been some alpha in her pack. That led to second thing about her, most females traveled in packs. Not only because they make a great team but also because it was easier to protect their kits. If this female can survive on her own then she's got to be one hell of a fighter.

Another problem was that Jakul could see that the female was curious about Jack. She would stare at him with that wanting to know what Jack was. She didn't ask for she knew that Jakul would never tell her, so she kept quiet.

Once night, when Jakul and Jack had finish there meal the large brown Pooka was beginning to fall asleep. It probably was because of the long day of hunting and sleepless nights. Jakul didn't trust the female until she was fully sleep and that took almost all night. It was like a game to her, which one would fall asleep before the other. Clutching Jack close to him, Jakul fell asleep.



Jakul eyes open to see Jack in the arms of the female Pooka. He was about to raise his head when he saw what Jack was whining about. The little boy was being cleaned by the female Pooka. She kept licking him on the side of the toddler's head while the boy tried to push her away.

Jakul couldn't help but smile at this. He knew Jack hated baths due to his own experience with the squirming child. He saw his kit giving him a pleading look but decide to let the female clean him. Jack was due for a bath anyway and the female was doing a pretty good job at it. Closing his eyes he fell back asleep.


A couple hours later, Jakul woke up to a pouting face from Jack. The male Pooka chuckled as he let out a yawn and stretched. Jakul looked up to the other side to see that the female was not there. This made him sad for he had gotten used to the female and was missing her a little bit.

Jack watched his father's eyes grow sadder. It wasn't until a thunk was heard that the two became startled. They both looked up to see that the female had come back with a large adult elk in her mouth. Jack ran to her as she walked in. Jakul watched at Jack come up to her and she placed the game on the floor. Jack dug into the meat as she looked back at the Jakul.

Giving him the look of 'what are you waiting for'? She watched his ear fold down as he came over. She let out a smirk as she turn to the meal and joined Jack. Jakul looked down at the dead carcass and saw his son looking back up at him, blood all over his face with a piece of meat hanging out of his mouth.

Jakul couldn't help but smile as he too, started digging into the delicious meal.


It was nightfall and the only thing that remained of the elk was it fur and bones. Jack was curled up in the female Pooka's arms sound asleep with a happy full belly. The two Pooka's watched the small child inhale and exhale as his mouth hung open with some drool seeping out. The boy was absolutely adorable between the female's arms. Jakul watched his son but then felt and saw the female lean onto him.

Her legs stretched out as he back was against his side. Jakul was startled by this and was confused about what the female was doing.


Jakul was stunned by the female for she had never spoken to him before.

"My name is Lyra"

Leaning hear head on his shoulder she rubbed against him. Her purr was loud and could be heard by the male Pooka. Knowing that feeling he felt so long ago, he nuzzled back into her. With the time the three of them had spent together in this cave over the days, they became close. When Jakul first thought she had left them he felt heart broken. Never wanting her to leave he accepted her and told her their story.

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