Chapter 8

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The guardians were tossed in all different direction as they were warped through the time stream. Bright colors filled the world around them. It wasn't until a bright light in front of them appeared that they pushed through it.

Once through, they plopped onto the ground. Both on their backs and sides, the groaned from the pain of hitting the ground very hard. Bunny was the one to first stand up a look around. The first thing that he noticed was that they were in some kind of forest. His ears perked up as he listened for anything that could be dangerous. Hearing nothing he told the group they were in the clear.

North used his blades to help him stand while Tooth used her wings to get onto her feet. The first thing they noticed was this strong source of power that was being drawn into them. It made them feel powerful and strong. Sandy's body seemed to glow from his golden sand lifting off and forming like aura around him.

"What is this?" North asked. He had never felt like at all in his life time. He felt like he was back in his bandit years.

"No idea" Tooth to felt the surge of power. Unlike North, she was more worried than happy. If they felt like this, then maybe the creatures in this century were powerful as well.

"We need to focus on finding Jack and getting out of here" Bunny told the group. "There something about this place, that makes my fur stand-up"

Sandy nodded in agreement. He took out the pocket watch to see if it had any clues as to what time period they were in. When he opened the watch his eyes widen at the numbers that were displayed in it. The group looked at the Sandman with concern. Sandy looked like he had seen a ghost by the way his eye widen and his color became pale.

"What's wrong Sandy?" Bunny asked.

Sandy held up the pocket watch to showed the date they were in . In it was the year 1242. A year where everything that held magic was produced and believed in. It was the age that the boogeyman would be a pleasant dream compared to the creatures that roam here. Dragons, unicorns, monstrous of different sizes. Bunny and Tooth eyes widen at the realization of why Father Time had told them not to mess with this timeline.

North saw the depressed look on both the fairy and rabbit. He saw Tooth wings start to flutter less as she sat on the ground with her legs on her side looking horrified. "Tooth? Bunny? What is it? What is wrong?"

"They're alive" Joy filled Tooth in realization that her family was alive. In this timeline her family, Sisters of Flight, they were still alive. Her wings flapped furiously as she shot of into the sky. It wasn't until Bunny caught her before she was able to leave. She struggled in vain but Bunny refused to let go. "LET GO!"

"NO! Tooth you can't do that! Time says we have to leave things the way they are!" Bunny tried to reason with the fairy.

"But Bunny...." Her face was distraught. She wanted to go, see her family. She wanted to....

"I know Tooth. I want to see them to but...this is supposed to happen. We can't mess with it." Bunny saw in her eyes that she was bringing to understand, so he kept going. "Tooth, if we try to see them, what do you think will happen. We will not only corrupt the timeline, but we might not exist as well."

"I know..I know that but" Tooth eyes watered as tears poured down her face as she touched the ground.

"I know Tooth." He hugged her and tried to sooth the crying fairy. "I want to see them too"

Both Sandy and North felt awful for the two. They could understand that if they were in this situation where they could see their family they would do it in a heartbeat. But rules were rules. Sandy tugged on North's pant leg when he thought he sensed something. North looked down at his small friend to see he was looking off into the woods.

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