Chapter 11

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Somehow Bunny's hole had reached Father Time's lair. They all came out and met with clocks, beakers, and all kinds of lab equipment. Jack stared at the strange room confused and frighten. He then saw a golden yellow ball fly past him and hit his father. Jack panicked as he tried to awaken his father. All the sudden his father began to disappear. Jack felt around frantically for his father but then was too struck by the yellow sand. Jack fell into a deep sleep as Bunny caught him before he fell onto the ground.

Bunny yelled at the guardians. "What did you do!?"

"Calm down already." Time moved everything off the table and told Bunny to place Jack on the table. "We need to hurry. I don't know how much time we have"

"Time for what" Bunny didn't get an answer as he placed Jack on the table and was shoved out of the way by Time.

Time took out a pocket watch that was covered in frost like artwork. On it read Jack Frost with the name Jackson Overland crossed out on the top. The clock ticked very slowly, like time was almost at a standstill. Time placed the watch on Jack chest and began to recite some words. The watch began to glow as Time pushed it farther into the boy's chest.

The glow coated Jack as he was lifted off the table and wrapped an ice webbing. It cocoon around the Winter Spirit. The guardians stared in awe at what was happening.

Time began to explain that this will help bring Jack's memories back but there may be some kind of a side effect. Before Tooth could ask what the side effect were they were soon over run by nightmares. The guardians took out their weapons and prepared to attack. Pitch stood behind his army as he chuckled at the Guardians antics.

"My my. If it isn't my dear friend Time. How has been since the last time I saw you?" Pitch could see the group scoffed and wanted to rip him to pieces.

"Not much since the last time you were here. The mess you made is still all over my FLOOR!" One thing the Time did not like was someone making a mess of his home. He could do that himself thank you.

Pitch had to admit, the man was an arse. Pitch snapped his fingers and his army attacked.

The guardian struck the nightmares causing them to form back into sand. The guardians did feel a little sluggish but they figured was because they were out of the time line that had the most beliefs. They still kept up the defense. They had to protect Jack. Jack was at his weakest at the moment and was vulnerable to any attacks by Pitch.

Pith, however, made it around the group as he came closer to Jack. He was then struck but a golden whip. He saw Sandy come in front of him and was ready to fight. Pitch wiped the blood of the side off his cheek as he took out his scythe.

Two fought until Sandy was on one side and Pitch was on the other. It wasn't until Sandy realized that Pitch had switch sides with him that Pitch was now in front of Jack. Pitch put away his scythe and took out a black vile. Sandy widen as he realized that it was that inside the vile was the old darkness that had turned Pitch evil. Pitch turned away from the Sandman and began to twist open the cap.

Sandy became frantic as tried to get to Pitch but was halted by the nightmares. He tried desperately to fight off the nightmare and get to Pitch. He and the Guardians watched in horror as the vile was turned upside down and slowly the liquid poured at. It felt like time was standing still as the black liquid came closer to the case. The funny part was that either the vile was that sluggish or time was really standing still.

"That was close" Time came out from behind the case and used his staff to bring the liquid back into the vile and too it out of Pitch's hand.

The guardians looked around as they saw that all the nightmares and Pitch had been frozen in time. The next thing that happen was Time tapping his staff on the ground and Pitch along with his minions vanishing. They were all stunned by what happened, but Bunny yelled at Time for why didn't he do that in the first place.

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