Chapter 9 - 1st kiss

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- Chapter 9 -

~ Fye P.O.V ~

What the hell with this people ! Nels being rude...he pull me hard and shouting to Gackt..and i don't understand the way Ryuu gaze at me just now. it feels like he's angry at me..but why ? i do nothing to him, but yet he look at me with such eyes. Why should i care about him anyway? why did i feel uneasy while Gackt kissed me and Ryuu stared at me..feels like i asked his permission to get Gackt's kiss and yet i shouldn't...i don't need anyone permission though...this is what i want for the whole life ! being kiss by Gackt ! it's my dream...i should be happy about it...but why there's a pain feeling here...i don't understand....

"Fye, listen to me..i need to go to the studio with all the members. i want you to wait here for me. don't open this door for anyone..even it's Gackt ! i don't want him take any advantage of you...that pervert always has an eyes for pretty girl...he's a have to trust me on this and obey me ok? this is an order ! if you don't obey me, i will lock you at home or i will send you back to LA."

"Nelson MacLovin ! don't be ridiculous ! I'm not a kid anymore and you can't control my life like this ! stop treating me like kids !" I am angry to my brother...i pull my hand from him and running out to the roof top. i cry...why? it's only my 2nd day was a perfect day before, but then it ruined now...i know it..this is the price from my wishes isn't it ? i wonder, will my days here brighter or it will become over protective brother become more and more protective...Ryuu become more and more rude....why can't i have a normal holiday here...should i just leave myself?

I cry alone..i didn't notice someone sit beside me...

"Ahhh...the sky just nice..but why you crying here?"

I lift up my head...i see Takeru looking at me with smile. I look down...try to erase my tears and hide my embarrassed..

"Fye, don't think too much ok? i know your brother become a little bit too much...but he just love you too much..and i agree with him to get you away from Gackt. He just too flirty for you...we just don't want you to fall to his trap...will you forgive him?" Takeru stroke my hair...asking me with consoling voice..

I look up at him and nodded. i try to smile back at him. We're look at the sky in silent for a while

"Takeru, thank you for being here with me and cheer me up. i'm glad that you're here with me. It's not that i hate Nelson..but, it just....he being too much with me...i'm not kid anymore and i know how to protect myself. It's not that i will throw myself so easily to least give me some trust that i can take care myself."

He nodded at me..

"Well then...should we go back ? He's worry sick right time, just call me if you need to talk..i'll be there for you..just don't run anywhere ok?"

I nodded and he pat my head and smile. we go back to the waiting room. Nelson already there and his face just very sad. When he look at me..i see he very sorry...i give him faint smile.

"Fye, i'm sorry..i know i'm being too because i love you so much and i don't want anything bad happen to you while you're here. you are our precious..." he took both of my hand and talk with a pain in his tone. Seeing him like this make me want to hug him tight.

"It's ok brother i understand...but i need you to understand me as well..i'm not kid anymore, i can take care of myself...nothing will happen to me while you here to protect me as always, but at least give me trust..."

He hug me tighter and i can feel his big sigh

"Yes, i'm sorry for treating you like a kid..i know you're 18 and you're not kid anymore...i promise i'll try my best to not over protective and give you slightly freedom hehe.."

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