Chapter 26 - The weather change so fast

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~ Ryuu P.O.V ~

I stop at my spot....this valley...I always come here when I feel bad...actually I don't think to come here...I just drive without knowing where to go...what I know is I only want to be alone...I believe my speeding ticket will be arrive soon and Nels will yell at me...but I don't care for now. 

I turn of the engine, unbuckle my seat-belt and just sit in my car for a while. I decide to just sit on my car and watch the view while i lit my cigarette. I draw long suck and exhale the smoke slowly...My mind playing trick..makes me remember Kazumi's smile and our happy day...She indeed look a bit different now....thinner, paler...Her eyes, not as bright as before but she still pretty and cute like always....I wonder what happen to her this long...I can feel my heart being squeeze now...I smoke my cigarette again before i throw it....suddenly Fyee face pop out in my mind...I remember she pouting asking me to stop smoking...she said that's bad for my health...that's why i want to throw my cigarette. I throw it down and squeeze with my feet to light off it, I lay down on top of my car and look at the dark sky thinking what will I do now....

Kazumi back here...Truth is, I almost hug here and forgive her....but at the same time, I'm angry at her for leaving me just like that....I miss her...For this years....I always pray silently for her to come back....but then, how about Fyee ? I don't want to hurt her...I groan in annoyance....I don't know what to do....

I turn on my phone and I got three new message and one voice message. I open the from Fyee, Takeru and unknown number....

From : Fyee.

Are you okay?

From : Takeru.

Fyee looking for you. I bring her back to hotel and she's sleep now. Where are you? I need to talk with you. I'll be in our hotel room waiting.

From : unknown.

Are you still using this number Ryuu ?

I read the last message and I know who own that number...I don't have mood to reply them. I put back my phone. I know I still have one voice message, but I don't care...I stay sit for a little more minutes before decide it's time to go back to the hotel. I can't run...I have to face this...even i'm still not sure what I want and what will I do...I need to sleep first...I hope this only a dream...only a state of drunk...I turn on the engine and start driving back to the hotel with normal speed this time.

~ Takeru P.O.V ~

I don't have the heart to tell Fyee about Kazumi....I hope she never find out about her...I know she likes Ryuu...and I can't imagine she has heartbreak...Yes, I like demon tell me this is I can have her....but my angel said this isn't the way to get her...I text Ryuu soon after i find he's not in the hotel yet...I wonder where he's going...I hope he's not making some stupid act. I'll talk to him when he's here. He has to make up his mind....Kazumi or Fyee...Meanwhile, I'm gonna take shower and watch TV while waiting for Ryuu to come.

~ Ryuu P.O.V ~

I give my car to the hotel valet service then I go to the lift waiting it to open. It's very silent...I look at my watch it's 3am in the wonder it's so silent here. I can hear 'ting' clearly means the lift is open. I inserting my card and press my floor number. I lean my body to the corner, look down to my shoes and let out sigh when the door open. I go out and walk to my room with heavy steps. I don't want to hear Takeru ranting today...I know he's going to ask me questions and lecturing me...I know he's going to do that because he's up now and waiting for me...

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