Chapter 23 - After Party

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- Chapter 23 -

The concert finish with a lot of balls floating and Ayu with the crew, including me and Hell Trap throwing gift to the fans. We Throw some towel and 'Ayu' doll. After that we go back to back stage together. When we climb down the stair, my brother already waiting for me at the end with big smile and hand open ready to give me bear hug.

"Nels !" I shouting to him and i jump to his hug."

"Ummpphh..." He almost fell backward if the security not holding him. We laugh so loud and he swing me around.

"Do you like the surprise?"

"Like ? Are you crazy ?! I LOVE IT SO MUCH !" This is the best gift ever !! And i don't know how you manage to keep quite bro !" He give me smug smile...

"Well...this is for my best sister....I'm sorry, you come here for me but i'm very busy...this gift is as my appologize for leaving you alone at home so long...But we'll back there next week." He put me down and kiss my forehead.

"You don't need to make it this big tho ! I understand you're very busy...i enjoy my time here...Ayu keep me happy while you're not here." I grin at her and she smile back to me.

"Ayu....i don't know what to say to you...I'm so so so so happy and thank you so so so muchhhh for this ! Do you want anything from me?"

"Anything?" I nodded

"Sure?" Again, i nodded..

"I want you to come to my interview for the magz that i told you before....will you agree to that ?" Oh my....she asking me about that...hmmm....This is hard...i look to my brother...

"Ayu, i don't want to publish my sister...she's coming here for holiday..."

"Nels....i promise i won't let them asking her too much question...i'll sortired her question myself....I won't tell them about she's being a model for the Hell Trap etc....I just want to tell the Magz about my life and my besties...."

He silent and think for a while, in other side Ryuu showing annoyed face...I wonder why...

"I allow her..but..i'll be there too..."

"Yaayyy ! I'll let my manager to cross check the schedule with you or Ayane later ! What do you think Fye? Even Nels agree, if you don't feel like you want's ok not to doing it...I won't force you..."

"hmm....okay then...if Nels say i can..." She hug me so tight and thanking me for saying yes to her...I smile back to her, then i try to look at Ryuu...but i can't find him...Where is he going? I do wish i can talk with him....

"Okay now let's get change ! We still have after party ! I need to get shower ! I'm so sweaty...Come on Fyee ! follow me !" Ayu pull me to go with her, Nels nodded to me and smile.

"I wait for you here ok? I need to talk with the band first. We go to the party together." He shout to me. I smile back to him and run to catch Ayu.


Finish shower, redo the make up with Yuki, getting dressed...It's time to go to the after party. I'm so nervous because there will be so many papz at the entrance ! I wish i don't need to go in from the front. I asked Ayu to let me get in from the back door, but she not allow me...She asking me to go in with Nelson and the band at least...She can't get in with me because she has to go in by herself for the pictures and some small interview on the site. I have to say least i'm not getting in alone. 

Ayu choose my dress by herself. She letting me wear Michael Kors black dress with cut on the side. It's simple and elegant...not too skimpy...Thanks God she not making me wear the other short dress that Yuki give to her...He said i should wear that and show off my asset...but I don't want, I'm not the highlight of the event...two, I won't be comfortable when people looking at me, three Nelson definitely will ask me to change the clothes...being over protective brother definitely won't let me wear that and i don't want Ryuu thinking bad of me...I don't know what kind of dress he prefer actually, but I want to stay in safe zone for tonight. 

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