chapter 7

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I woke up to my mom banging on my door "Paige, please get up! Damian and Shawn will be here soon and they'll need our help unpacking the truck." "Buttttt mommmm, I only got 5 hours of sleep" I said complaining. "Well who's fault is that?" "I guess mine..." "They're here, get up now Paige!" She said when I heard a car door slam shut. 'Ughh why?!?' "Finnnne" I said whining while rolling out of bed.

I got and changed into a plain black shirt and then changed into blue shorts, then tying a black and white flannel around my waist, then going to the bathroom to brush my hair and put it in a messy bun. I walked out of the bathroom right when Shawn passed by me carrying a big box. "Hey Paige" he said smiling at me. "Hey Shawn, do you need help with that box" "yes that'd be terrific" he said gratefully. "Where do you want me to carry this?" I asked him. "In your mom and I's room please." "Thanks for the help Paige".

I walked away from him and into my moms room and set it on the floor next to the other boxes. I left her room and went down stairs to help with all the other boxes. "Nice to see that you're finally up." My mom said in a joking manner. "Yeah, sure whatever" I said rolling my eyes. "Hun, cheer up, and don't roll your eyes at me, I was just playing around." "Yeah well I'm still annoyed that you woke me up at 8 o'Clock in the morning on a Saturday." I said pouting. "And where is Damian, he's supposed to be here since these are his stupid boxes." I asked while poking my foot at a box that's labeled 'DAMIAN'.

"He's at football practice right now" Shawn said while picking up another box and going inside. "Let's go hun, pick up another box." "Alright, alright." I said about to pick up one of Shawn's boxes but then I remembered Damian's box right in front of me. I picked up Damian's box and carried it inside and into Damian's room and opening it, I know I shouldn't but I just couldn't stop myself. When I opened the box I saw some random stuff but at the bottom of the box there was a book, but not just any type of book but a journal. I opened the journal and some random pictures fell out, I picked one up and realized it was him as a baby with his mom.

"What are you doing!?" Someone spoke loudly, scaring the crap out of me. "Nothing" I said shutting the book and jumping up and Damian standing in the doorway with a box in his arms. "Oh hey Damian" I said about to escape his room. "Nope you're not going anywhere" he said grabbing my arm and pushing me up against the wall and trapping me with both his arms at the side of my head. "What do you think you were just doing?" He asked in a whisper voice. "Oh, um, n-nothing" I said stuttering and sounding like an idiot. "Oh, really, then why were you looking at my book of secrets?" "Oh come on, its called a journal, who calls it a-" he stopped me by slamming his hand on the wall, scaring me.

"Shut up! And answer my question" he said looking irritated. "Okay, I was just helping you unpack and I found your book of secrets and some pictures fell out" I said half telling the truth and half a lie, because he was starting to scare me. "Ok thanks for telling me, beautiful" he said smirking and then he started to lean in about to kiss me and then he started laughing. "Why are you laughing?" I asked confused. "Because you should've seen your face, when I was about to kiss you. I would never kiss you by the way" he said laughing even harder. "Ok, whatever a**hole" I said shoving him away and walking off feeling hurt.

Damian's POV

"Hey! Wait did I actually hurt your feelings?" I asked surprised. "Nope Damian, you didn't, at all" she said snapping at me. "If I did I'm sorry, it was just a prank" I said looking into her eyes. "Yeah, I know" she said looking away. "Well if I did nothing wrong, don't call me an a**hole" I said chuckling a little bit. "Okay sorry" she said sarcastically. "Hey kids!" Her mom said, spooking me. "Hey Carol" I said flashing her my famous smile, and of course Paige rolls her eyes. "Paige, why don't you be a doll and help Damian unpack his stuff or carry all the boxes down, your choice" her mom said. 'Wow her mom makes her do a lot of stuff' I thought.

"Tell me when you're done" she said walking off. 'wow I thought she would want to help me but, oh wait, she hates me' I thought to myself, chuckling to myself and going into my room, to unpack.

-an hour later-

"Paige!" I called her to my room. "What?" She said walking into my room. "I'm done" I said smiling. "I'm actually gonna help you though." I said helping her pick up the boxes and throwing them away. "You know I could've done that myself." She said while waking next to me, going back into the house after we finished throwing away the boxes. "Yeah I know, I just wanted to help you, and plus your mom always makes you do stuff, that I'm capable of doing." I said.

"Yeah I know, but I'm used to it by now." She said shrugging her shoulders. "Well you shouldn't" I said voicing my opinion. "Why would you care anyway?" She asked suspiciously. "I don't, I just think that it's not fair." "I think you do, don't worry I won't tell people that you care about me." She said walking away. "Damn, I swear she's  bipolar" I muttered going into my room and shutting the door and lights off, going to bed.

~welp here's the chapter =-) 1025 words, I promise I'll update more often lol~

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