Chapter 11

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I woke up to the sound of people talking, well more like my mom, Shawn, and Damian. "Damian you need to wake up Paige so we can tell her that we're going on our honeymoon and that we won't be back for two weeks" Shawn told his son. "Two weeks are you serious" Damian said in shock. "What are you guys goinna be doing there for that long, oh wait I Dont even wanna know" he said fake gagging. "Oh shut up and wake up your sister" Shawn said annoyed. "Oh my god, can you please not call her my sister that's weird" Damian said walking closer to my door. He knocked on it once and walked in "oh you're up, well good but Carol wants you to be up because my dad and her want to announce something so come on down stairs" Damian said rambling. "Ok no need to ramble" I said rolling my eyes at his dorkiness and got out of bed. I was still in my dress from last night and walked to my closet and picked out a black crop top and a floral skater skirt. I walked away from my closet and jumped because Damian was still in my room. "What are you still doing in my room? Go away jeez" I said walking around him and into the bathroom.

Damian's POV

After I scared Paige I walked down the stairs and sat on the couch, so we can get the 'family' meeting over with. A moment later Paige walked down the stairs looking really damn beautiful, even looking at her makes me ten times happier even if she says that she hates me, I know she actually doesn't. Paige sat down next to me, but she was closer than she's ever sat before so that was kinda weird, but I don't mind. "Where are they? They said they needed to tell us something, I hopefully didn't wake up kinda early for nothing." She said annoyed, why ids she always annoyed. Just then her phone went off and she looked happier once she saw who it was from. "Who are you talking to?" I asked trying to hid my annoyance\jealousy that, that person could make her happy and that I can't. "None of your business, since I'm not your sister." She said rolling her eyes, and made sure I couldn't see who she was talking to, "oh you heard th-" I got cut off when my dad and Carol walked in and stood in front of the TV with their arms crossed. "Yeah?" Paige said trailing off. "Shawn and I are going on a two week honeymoon to the Bahamas, so while we're gone, you two are gonna try to get along and no parties, both of you." Carol said pointing at both of us. "Yeah yeah I got it, is that all you wanted to wake me up for?" "Yeah" Carol said giving Paige a hug goodbye and my dad giving me a hug also. "Ok be good you two" they said as they walked out of the door and shutting it behind them.

"Paige what I meant when I said that you weren't my sis-" I got cut off as she walked away, and I chased after her. Right before she got in her room I ran in front of her and stopped her in her tracks. "What I was saying before was, what I meant when I said that you werent m-" I got cut off again by her trying to go around but then I grabbed on to her arm so she couldn't try walking off again. "As I was saying, I didn't meant it that way, I meant that I don't see you as my sister, I see yo-" I cut myself off this time, debating if I should tell her that I like her or not. Because if I tell her that I like her it could go very bad but maybe she could say that she likes me back and we could possibly date, or not. "Tell me Damian, or let go of me" she said annoyed. Oh s**t what do I do, I thought beginning to panic. "Fine, I see you as a crush" I said really fast and squeezing my eyes shut. "What?" She said, I can't tell if its in disbelief or if she didn't hear me. "What? I told you now get off my back" I said letting go of her arm and going into my room and shutting my door and locking it.

Paige's POV

'What did he just say, I honesty don't know because he said it so damn fast. Did he say something about a crus- oh my god, I think he just told me that he likes me, this is gonna be a long two weeks that our parents are gone' I thought going into my room and plopping onto my bed thinking of what to do now.

Oh shizzzzzzzzz lol, I lil drama for you guys, well here's the uodate, sorry it was kinda short but these next few ones are gonna be important lol this update was about 840 words!!!!

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