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-Kirra's P.O.V-

"Mmmm" I groaned rolling over. All of a sudden I had the sharpest pain at the back of my head that made me take a quick breath out. 

"Kirra!" I heard a familiar voice shout 

"Shhh" I managed to get out while opening my eyes. White was all I can see on the walls, defiantly not my room "Where am I?" I asked, I already had an idea of where I was, or rather where I wouldn't want to be.

"Hospital" he replied. No please no, I started getting flash backs of what had happened to me when I was little

We were driving, Mum, I and- and someone else, A guy, I'm not too sure who he was or is, anyway, were all in our car, on our way to Dad's place. I was half asleep since it was 5 or 6 in the morning. I was looking out of the side window when I saw a car rolling, heading straight for ours. Mum freaked out and the car swerved, but it didn't move out the path of the other car and our car ended up getting hit by the other, right on the roof. I looked over at mum and saw her head was on a weird angle. "MUM, MUM!" I was shouting while shaking her trying to wake her up. My head was pounding and things started going blurry. The last thing I remember was the guy pulled me out the car. He hugged me and kept apologising. I looked up at him and he kissed the top of my head, I remember seeing a lip ring but that's about all. He lay me down on the ground and went away, then I blacked out and woke up in hospital where I got the news about my mum.

"Kirra Kemple?" A nurse asked me

"Bruce," I smiled, "Kirra Bruce"

"It actually is Kemple" The guy said, I finally turned my head to see Ben, but it didn't look like Ben,

"Dad?" I chocked out questionably. He ignored me and started filling out paper work, "Alright, time to go home" He said with a hint of delight in his voice. "What about Ben? What about the guys?" I franticly asked, but he still ignored me like I wasn't even there.

I looked at my phone and saw no messages or calls from anyone. Alone again, they probably don't care, I sighed to myself and followed my dad out the hospital. We reached his car and I got in the passenger side, prepared for a silent ride home.

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