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-Ben's P.O.V-

Kirra's been gone for awhile now, almost 40 minutes, im starting to get really worried. "Hey, guys?" I asked getting their attention, "Kirra's been gone for over 30 minutes and normally she would call or something to tell me that she's going to stay out for longer" the guys didnt seem too worried but i was the opposite. "There's heaps of people 'ere Ben." Danny replied, "The lines would be long as hell, she's probably still waiting for food or something." His tone sounded resuring, but I'm still not convinced, and by the look of it, neither was James or Sam. "I'm going to go look for her." I finally said to break the silence, "I'll come too" James said while standing up.

We started walking around seeing if we could see any trace of her. We came to a bunch of people crouding around something-make that someone. I couldnt see much, being in the back, but all I could make it, is that it's a girl with a dark blue towel around her head, I pushed through people to get  a better veiw. It wasnt just any girl, it was Kirra. My heart skipped a beat, Kirra, my little sister, "What happened?" I franticly asked the person that was holding the towel to her head. "It looks as if she hit 'er head on the wall up there nd split it open" He replied not taking his eyes off her. "Has an abul-" my words were cut short by a drunk guy, dark brown hair, short, well shorter than me anyway, black singlet, shorts down to his knees and wearing sneekers. "That's what she gets for not wanting to talk to me" He slurred, I could see the rage in James's eyes. He went straight for him. James grabbed the guy by his shirt and pushed him up against a wall, yelling at him before puching him across the face. No one bothered to stop him, and I dont blame them, he can get really scary when he's pissed off. A few other guys held the drunk to the ground while security ran over, while two other guys held James back from doing anything else.

-James's P.O.V-

When I saw how Ben reacted to seeing the girl, I knew it was Kirra, tears started swelling up in my eyes, the distance sound of sirens was heard, and I'm just assuming that it was an ambulace. "Thats what she gets for not wanting to talk to me" a guy that couldnt even stand straight slurred, getting all the attention into him. Suddenly, the sadness I felt for Kirra changed into anger toward him. I lunged at him, grabbed him by his shirt and pushed him up against the brick wall before punching him across his face. My anger was slowly diving down, but even still, two guys grabbed my arms and walked me away. 

I sat down on the ground, and took out my phone. I texted Danny, Sam and Cam;

Kirra's bleeding from her head, an ambulace has been called. Ben's with her and the guy that did it got what he deserved.

Danny: WTF where abouts are you, I'm coming straight away

Cam: Is she okay???

Sam: I'm going to kill him with my own two hands

I texted back We're behind the bar. She is but she's unconcious, gotta wait till the ambo comes to make sure. And I'm not gonna stop ya mate.

I put my phone away and turned around to see an ambulace pulling up next to the bar. Two youngish guys came out with the gurney. They put Kirra on it while Ben was next to her. Once they were done, one of the guys sat in the passanger seat while the other went in the back with Kirra and Ben. 

I started walking towards the signing tent, meeting the boys on the way. "What happened?" Asked Danny, obviously highly concerned. I explaned everything to the two guys finishing with "Ben's in the ambulace with Kirra and he's gonna tell us what's happening."

Ermergurd nearly 6 months since I updated .-.

I'm highly sorry for all this but I'm back on now, Gonna start updating more since it's hollidays and I'm planning to put up a new story soon

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