Finding out

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When we got inside, all of my stuff from my room was there already. I heard laughter so I went to check it out. The first person I saw was none other than Danny Worsnop!!!! I may or may not have freaked out and ran to hug him.

                                                                          ---Danny's POV---

"HA HA, I don't think she knows who you are Ben" I chuckled "All right kiddo, get off me now." Ben undid his Jacket and took off his shirt. You could see the look on the girls face when she saw the tattoo on his chest. "B-ben?" she stumbled. Awww she's so cute when she's confused. Ben gave her a little smile and walked away. "What's your name anyway?" I asked "Kirra" She said with a smile "Just Kirra?" I teased "Yep, that's all you need to know for now, Mr Worsnop" She said, teasing back at me. I like this 'Kirra' chick.

                                                                   ---Ben's POV---

Kirra's a bigger fan than I thought she was, that look on her face was priceless when I took off my shirt. I wonder when I should tell her that I'm her brother or not. I'll wait for the right time I guess, or I might not, I'll talk to one of the guys 'bout it, they would know what to say. Knock Knock. Urgh, not now, this is the last thing I need.

                                                               ----Kirra's POV---

wow, okay, so I just got  Picked up from school by none other than Ben Bruce, I was sitting next to Danny Worsnop and- My thoughts were interupted by a knocking at the door. "OI, BEN!" Danny shouted "ARE YOU EXPECTING ANYONE?" There was a pause "NO BUT I THINK I KNOW WHO IT IS, LET 'EM IN" Ben called back. Danny got up and walked to the white wood door. I couldn't see who it was, but once she came in to the living room I could see. A lady with bleach blonde hair, bits of fabric, suppost to be passed as clothes I think, and her face was caked in make-up. Looking at her, then mentaly looking at me, I could see a huge diffrence. bleach blond hair, light pink hair, short shorts, skinny jeans, Bralett, band shirt, Stick body, Lump of Fat, No scars, Scars. No wonder why she's here.

Soon Ben came back down stairs, and he had a small box wraped up in birthday paper in his hand. I wonder what could be in it. "Um, Hi" He said to the girl. I don't even know her name. He tried to push past her but she got in his way. "What type of greating is that" She snapped. "I'll be back in a bit" I said and stood up, suddenly getting the girl's attention. "Who's that" She said still looking at me. "I'm Kirra" I smiled, getting evils from her, I walked away. "A new band whore is she?" I heard the girl asked "I didnt think you would go for someone like that" I heard a hint of amusement in her voice.

A pair of hands wraped around my waist. "Just ignore her love" A very strong accsent said. I knew it wasnt Danny or Ben. "It's James, just so you know" He said. "Who is she?" I managed to ask "She is Lara," He replied "And why did Ben bring me here?" I wanted answers "Well, Kirra right?" I nodded "alright, well Kirra, Ben got a call last night from Frank asking if he would like to pick you up-" I cut him off "WHY" I yelled, everything is so over welming "Uh, he went to the doctors and they said he has cancer..." James trailed off. "And Frank thought that your brother could take care of you" I was so hurt, why didn't Uncle Frank tell me "B-Brother?" I asked in amazment, Ben Bruce, my brother "didn't Ben tell you?" James asked "no." I said, looking away from James. I pushed his hands off of my waist and walked away. "KIRRA, WAIT" He yelled, but I didn't look back. 

Once I was in my room, I locked the door and broke down, it's all too overwelming for me. Once I've finished my moment, I unlocked the door and layed down on my bed, soon falling asleep.


I turned, looking at the clock beside me, 6:20, 4 hours sleep, urgh. I walked to the balcony, but on my way there, I triped over a box, making a loud thud, fun. In less than 30 seconds, Ben was in my room, helping me up. Oh it's you I thought, "wow, that's a nice way to treat the person that's looking after you" Oh crap, I must have said it out loud. "I didn't mean to say it like that" I muttered "But how are you my" "Brother?" He finished the sentence. "Well, wehn mum and dad split, I had to choose which one to live with and I choose neither. I dropped out of school and moved in with Danny. Once I heard you had a crash with mum, I visited you in hospital with dad, but he thought it was for your own good that I don't see you, so I never did." He sighed "I know I should've come and see you, and I'm sorry I didnt." I was getting anoyed, but I tried to push it aside. "Yeah, um I have 3 months left of school" I started "Will I be going back?" I asked "I will get you a toutor to help finish your studies, anymore questions?" Ben said "Not at the moment" I replied, which was a total lie. I had many questions that I want answered. He stood up and opened the door. "Oh, and give me your phone" He demanded. I didnt ask any questions so I handed over my iphone. Ben took my Drop Dead case off and took out 4 blades. "You wont be needing these either." He handed my phone back to me and walked out.

***Hey hey hey, look who's updating!!! Only short but yeah, It's updated***

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