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And I was right, a silent ride home it was. Last time I saw my dad was nealy 6 years ago. He cut himself out of my life, he cut my family out of my life and I cant dare to look at him

"So how to you know Ben?" He asked breaking the silence

"What makes you think I know him?" I said back before remembering what I said in hospital. Shit. A little grunt came from dad without taking his eyes off the road. "He left you ya know" He said without giving it a second thought, "He left you and your mother for dead" the way he said it, it's like its the truth, but so casually like he wants me to hate Ben's guts. "He didnt.." I trailed off "He wouldnt" now my voice was a shakey whisper. "Oh believe me, he did. He even admitted it" He's voice sounded to get cockier and cockier with every word. "WHAT AND YOU DIDNT?!" I yelled out of frustration. Dad's knuckles turned white with how hard he was gripping the stearing wheel. All of a sudden, the car pulled over to the gravel path on the side of the road "get out." The tone in his voice told me that he's not joking around. I happily opened the door and got out, as soon as I closed the door, he sped away.

I took out my phone and put in Ben's number, "This number has been disconected." SHIT I have no clue where I am, where my brother is, and my head's hurting like hell. I put in Danny's number, straight to voice mail, I was almost in tears at this point. JAMES, I'll call him. I typed in his number and pressed call, within two rings he picked up

"Kirra?" He asked

"James, thank fuck you answered" I said relieved. Silence. "uhm, so dad picked me up from hospital.." I trailed off

"Why?!" Panic instantly hit him "Where the fuck are you now?"

"Uhm on the side of a highway about 40 minutes from the hospital" honestly, i didnt even know but that sounded about right. The phone cut out on James's end so i put it back in my pocket and sat down for a long wait. The hospital is almost an hour to drive to from Ben's place then put another 40 minutes on top of that, ugh.

I pulled out my phone, 3:42pm, its been about an hour and 20 minutes till James comes, so i punched in his number and pressed call. The phone rang out and eventually went to voice mail

"Hello this is James and I play drooms" and in the background of it i could hear all the guys laughing. I sighed and put my phone away looking around for shade. I saw a bridge awhile up so I got up off the dirt and started walking towards it, the heat slowly taking over and my head hurting more and more with every step. I finally reached the bridge and found a shady spot on a wall underneaith it, I put my hand into my pocket to get my phone but instead I pulled out a note. The note that I found in James's room and i read it to myself over and over again

A/N; I have the worst writers block atm and i have no clue what else to write nd ugh .-. but anyways im just gonna put this up now as it is and hopefully get some ideas for the rest of the story

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2014 ⏰

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