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Ethan's POV
"Who was at the door?" I asked Grayson. "Ah just this crazy fan who said she knew us, weird right?" He replied. "What did she look like?" I asked as I was curious to find out. "Um.. she had brown hair, green eyes- oh and she asked to come and see you" he pointed out. "That's so weird" I replied. "How did she know where we live?" I asked. "No clue.." he said.

Ariana's POV
I had been sat in my hotel room trying to work out how to get home. I thought I would be here for like a couple of weeks but I guess not :/ I decided to text Ethan as maybe he would remember me.

Text message
Ariana: hi E, I understand that you may not want to be friends anymore but thats totally fine.

Ethan's POV
I was just chilling at home and I got a text through from Aria which was pretty weird as we haven't spoken in days. I opened the message.

Text message
Ariana: hi E, I understand that you may not want to be friends anymore but thats totally fine
Ethan: what do you mean Ariana?
Ariana: I stopped by at your house and your brother thought I was a fan :/ so I left..
Ethan: What!!

Ethan's POV
"GRAYSON!!" I shouted. "Yeah?" He replied. I stood up and walked over to him. "You thought Ariana was a fan, ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I shouted. Grayson laughed, "Chill bro of course I knew it was her" he replied. "THEN WHY DID'NT YOU TELL ME ?!" I said. "Because I'm not gonna let you run around the streets of LA with a girl, EVERYONE will hate us if they think you have a gf!" He shouted back. "I DON'T CARE!" I said whilst walking out of our apartment!



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