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Play the music whilst reading
Ariana's POV
I decided to pack my bags and get a taxi to the airport. I guess not all friendships last. Once I had packed I went down to the restaurant to eat. To be honest I was pretty hurt by the twins but thats just the way life goes sometimes. I sat and ate whilst having deep thoughts. Maybe Ethan has a girlfriend? Maybe fame has changed them? Ethan had replied to my text but it meant nothing to me. Once I finished up my meal I waited for my taxi on the roadside. I started to cry. I wasted so much money on something so pointless. I was so angry at both of them. I had fallen in love with someone who plainly doesn't care about me one bit. I changed my mind. There was no way I was going to return home today. I cancelled my taxi.

I started walking down the road although I had no clue where it lead. I looked like a total wreck, my makeup was smudged and my hair as if I had been dragged out a hedge backwards. I stopped at Starbucks to get a drink and was sat outside enjoying it. I started crying again. Ethan kept phoning me but I didn't want to answer, I wasn't in the mood to hear him argue and tell me reasons why he's over me. It's not even like I have anyone to go to because Ethan WAS my go to. We had been best buds since birth but I guess things can change. I told him everything , and I guess fame has changed him.

I just wanted to test the music thing 😂 THANKS FOR READING 💗

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