Chapter 6: My Party

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(Jack's POV)
I scanned the room searching for Chloe. 5 minutes passed. 10 minutes passed. 15 minutes passed. Did she bail on me? I really thought I had something special with her, but I guess I was wrong. She was just like all the other girls I dated. I wanted something different this time, but she wasn't different.

"Dude! Who's the hot chick outside?" Kyle yelled across the room to Liam.

At first I thought it was Chloe, but she didn't seem like the kinda girl that would dress up for a frat party. I turned around expecting to find some random girl that one of the frat boys invited but I found something even better. Something that I was gonna claim to be mine tonight.

It was Chloe.

I ran up to her. "You came." I said holding the sides of her forearms.

"Yeah, sorry I'm late, I didn't know it was at a frat house, so I ran around all the dorms in my building." She said blushing seeming embarrassed.

"Oh shoot Chloe that's totally my fault, I forgot to tell you." I told her feeling like I just lost my chance with her.

"It's cool." She replied wrapping her arm around mine. "Let's go dance."

She pulled me towards the speakers where some of my frat brothers were blasting cool remixes and other types of music. She let go of me and started dancing to the music. I joined her kinda grooving along with my hands in my pockets.

"Oh my god Jack, your so lame!" She exclaimed rolling her eyes at me with a smile.

She was so cute.

She pulled my hands out of my pockets and started pulling them around trying to get me to dance. I actually really like dancing, but I acted like I didn't because I didn't want her to let go of me.

"Come here." I told her with my hand still in hers, pulling her towards the kitchen.

"Do you want a drink?" I asked holding a cup out to her.

"What is it?" She asked skeptically.

"Margarita. We have other stuff if you want anything." I told her.

"Only one cup please." She asked me still sounding nervous about the idea of drinking.

"Sure." I said handing her a plastic red cup filled half way with the liquid. I grabbed my self a cherry flavored Water.

We walked back to the dance floor and started swaying around until someone suggested the idea of a game.

"Let's play Never have I Ever!" One of the other girls here shouted.

I don't know who she is, but she is here quite often. She is probably one of Kyle's friends. We all walked over to the couches which now reeked of alcohol and sat down with our drinks.  The first girl was a tall, with light brown hair. I think I dated her last year but to be honest I don't remember.

"Never have I ever, um... Tripped in heels." She giggled. She was obviously intoxicated. Chloe took a small sip from her cup then glanced at me.

"I don't wear heels." I smiled at her. She laughed.

The next girl was a red head wearing an ugly cropped shirt and jeans. It was Sarah. She was so annoying and she always was trying to ask me out. I refused to go out with her because the number of times she dated my friends to make me jealous is sickening. "Never have I ever...
Kissed Jack." She said smugly.

"No way are you kissing me Sarah." I replied sternly. I glanced over at Chloe who looked slightly threatened by Sarah's presence. Sarah got up out off of the freshly wine stained sofa and walked towards me. God no. I'm now struggling to stand up from the amount of people crowding around us. I finally managed to leave the room with Sarah hot on my tail. I ran down the basement stairs and into the bathroom. I locked myself in the bathroom closet. Ha, good luck getting in now Sarah.

"You think you can get away so easily?" She questioned. I could sense the confidence in her voice sending chills down my spine. I heard her heels against the wooden floor as she left. I stayed there though. Minutes later I heard footsteps walk by again. This time they walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind them.

"Please don't be a drunk person throwing up!" I wished to my self.


I hear a whisper

"Jack are you in here?" The voice says again.

"Who is it?" I ask completely ignoring the question.


"Oh." I open the closet door.

"Hi." She says.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I ask her.

"I came to look for you. Your the only one I know well enough here and I don't think I can stand another minute around Kyle!" She huffs out.

"Try living with him." I laugh.

"JACK! I HEAR YOU TALKING!" A voice shrieks from upstairs. It's Sarah. She must have been listening through the vents. What a creep.

"Chloe come on!" I grab her waist and pull her into the closet with me locking the door behind us.

"Jack what the heck!" She whispers.

"Shh! It's Sarah!" I tell her with wide eyes. She immediately becomes quiet. We can hear Sarah running down the stairs.

"JACK OPEN THE DOOR!" Sarah yells pounding both fists on the door.

"We can't stay in here forever Jack, just kiss her." Chloe says disappointed.

"No, we can't let her win. She's been pulling stunts like this for years." I whisper into Chloe's ear.

"See that plastic vent?" I ask her pointing to the ceiling on the closet.

"Yeah...?" She replies.

"It leads to the attic which leads to other hatches like this, so we can return into another closet and leave this party." I explain excitedly.

"Great!" Chloe responds.

I stand on one of the shelves trying to push the hatch up without making to much noise. Doesn't really matter thought because I'm sure Sarah can't hear anything but her own screaming. I finally manage to push it up. Dust flys all over me making it hard for me to stay quiet. I cough loudly. It was like setting a bomb off. Once Sarah heard my cough, she went ballistic. She pounded even louder and called for some of her other stupid friends. I cradled Chloe up into my arms and helped her climb into the attic. I climbed up there last, closing the hatch. It was completely black.

"Don't worry, I have a flashlight in my phone for help." Chloe says trying to help the situation.

The flashlight turns on and shines a bright light ahead of us.

"Well, I guess we should start crawling." I sigh.

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