I hate when people say that jian will never be real. like , how tf do you know? are you living with them ? are you in control of their feelings towards each other? have they talked to you ? do you even know them , personally? the people who are saying that jian will never be real are the same people who ship Kiandrea , JcPenny , Lawlorff and other shit. I don't like any of those ships , but I will never disrespect what you're into , if u like them , then OKAY , U HAVE A RIGHT TO SHIP THEM , but for people to just ruin my damn happiness is stupid and pathetic.
bitch , kiandrea ain't coming back
sam is getting married , so lawlorff , MY ASS!
JcPenny , who knows.
don't fucking doubt my ship , I ain't doing shit to yours. I can , but I am NOT
jian rants.| | { Book 6.}
Humorthey're pissing us off every single day. That's probably the only dedication that we're getting from them.