Why do I feel like Kian is afraid of jc in a way? I mean I just feel like he's too scared to stand up to him , he's scared to say shit like"stay your ass home"
"focus on our fucking fans."
"stop drinking so fucking much."We all know that jc takes everything that kian says as a joke , so maybe Kian just doesn't try.
I feel as if Kian tries a little harder than jc and he's the mature one (sorta)I don't know why I lean so much towards jc. I guess it's because he's the one that I feel closest too and im not saying that in a good way. I just ALWAYS HAVE TO GET ON HIS ASS. its tiring
jian rants.| | { Book 6.}
Humorthey're pissing us off every single day. That's probably the only dedication that we're getting from them.