why was jc so overly dramatic in ricky's video as if he's never kissed a guy before?
why was it such a big deal if yall are close friends? why are you acting so homophobic
I am not calling him homophobic , I'm just saying he acted like it was the most disgusting thing in the whole entire world. GOD , THIS IS WHY I STAN KIAN MORE. He's okay with it , he doesn't mind it. Even if Kian is ''straight'' , he doesn't give af about what gender he kisses
oh and really Listerine? his damn tongue did not go in your mouth and his lips were barely even on yours.
and the most important question why are you so uncomfortable with doing shit like that if you know for a fact that you're straight? If I was straight then I wouldn't make a big deal out of kissing one of my closest guy friends because IM STRAIGHT AND I KNOW THAT FOR A FACT. I'm not questioning myself , I'm not gay , I'm not into guys in any kind of way , shape or form. get ur act together broski. afraid that you won't seem masculine anymore? <OH OKAYE>//tf outta here

jian rants.| | { Book 6.}
Humorthey're pissing us off every single day. That's probably the only dedication that we're getting from them.