We honestly can't keep saying that we want kian to tell jc how he feels about him because he has admitted his feelings so many times and u guys have seen that for yourselves. Him admitting his feelings isn't the problemThe problem is how jc takes it.
The problem is how kian delivers it.
The problem is jc is too fucking unsure about his sexuality that he has no choice but to NOT think much of it.Kian keeps telling him how he feels
Jc's doing the same thing
But u can tell that kian means it and he's open about it.
Come on , he supposedly has a girlfriend , but yet he's still flirting with jc? I wouldn't give a fuck if he was ur best friend , if we're dating than u won't flirt anyone.just kind of read between the lines and look and think carefully

jian rants.| | { Book 6.}
Humorthey're pissing us off every single day. That's probably the only dedication that we're getting from them.