I'm pressed. I was just bored , scrolling through Instagram minding my own business until I decided to click on jc's account because I wanted to randomly scroll through his following list and I KID YOU NOT , I scrolled through all of the people that he was following and maybe I didn't see one because I looked over it or maybe I didn't finish scrolling , but I know for a fact that I did and all I saw all of these MODELS that he follows and OF COURSE THEY WERE WHITE OR WHATEVER. There was no black girl in sight , I know what you're probably thinking , so what?
Well , before I deleted that views from a black girl book , I mentioned some things about being black in a white fandom and this just kinda urks me and makes me sad because It makes feel like he's only opened to dating Models and they just have to be white or latino or whatever , just not black. I hoped and prayed that Kian's following would be different , but It wasn't . If he followed a girl , she wasn't black either. None of them were.
Do u know how it feels to have a crush on someone or to stan someone who might not even be interested you as far as dating wise? I may be reaching , but black girls ain't winning in THIS FANDOM like some of yall are.
I did not check twitter so maybe's its different , who knows.
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