Ch. 20-Castle, sweet castle

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So, yeah. Only a few chapters left, probably, sorry. Any ways, the sequel will be a Deadlox romance between Alice(the daughter) and of course, Deadlox. But here's the thing, within 15 years in the game, only 15 months have passed! That's how time kinda goes in the story, hope I didn't confuse anyone, somehow!

~*on to the chapter!*~

I continued to walk back to the castle, not teleporting because Alice started to cry after I teleported out of the confinement. I came upon the gravel path that lead to the front door, and knocked on the large iron doors.

"Hello? Anyone home?" I asked, knocking again. Sky opened the door and looked at me confusedly.

"Lexis? Did you change your skin or something?" He asked, eyeing me up and down, but stopping to look at Alice.

"Yeah. I changed my skin to escape. The other Herobrine got me, erm, Brine did." I answered, remembering his name. I've called him BH for so long.

"Brine? He told you his name?" He shot me an accusing glare, as if he expected me to be Alex.

"Yeah. And the other me is Alex." I said, getting worried that he didn't believe me.

"Prove that you're Lexis." He demanded, blocking the entrance, just in case I tried anything.

"Do you really want me to, Adam?" I prodded, setting my hand on my hip and leaning on it.

"Yes, I do. Prove that I can trust you." Sky glared at me. I sighed.

"Fine, after Hero and I got captured by Notch and Steve, I had to untie both you, and Jason. Not to mention that while I was pregnant, I sat on the floor with you for hours while you cried over Dawn." I said, hopefully not hurting him in any way.

"A-alright... It's you..." He wiped a tear away and let me inside. I gave him a hug and smiled at him, apologizing for bringing her up.

"LEXIS. YOU'RE OKAY." Katie screeched, attacking me in a hug. She also looked a bit older, about two or three years older, really.

"Watch the baby!" I warned, backing up a tad. She backed off and apologized.

"Sorry! It's just, I thought you were gone!" She started crying. I hugged her tightly, moving my child out of the way.

"I'm okay, where's the others?" I asked. She told me that Harry and Jerry were out getting food, Toby and Jason were building a little hut for the animals, and Hero had gone looking for me.

"So, do the others expect Hero to come home with me?" I asked, getting a bucket of milk and pouring it into a bottle for Alice. While Katie talked, I set the bottle on the furnace to heat it up a bit.

"Yeah, they expect him to save the day. No one but me, apparently, knows that you can fend for yourself." Se shrugged. Walking around the kitchen, searching for something to eat.

"Well, I was taken right after I gave birth. That might be why." I said, feeding my child. She didn't seem to want the milk. I shrugged and set it in a chest, nothing but spider eyes seemed to go bad.

"Could you hold Alice while I go check on the guys? I wanna scare them a bit." I said with an evil grin. Katie rolled her eyes and took my child. I teleported to Toby and Jason, ready to try harder to scare them than I did Hero, which didn't quite work... Wait, they're human... I'll go easy on 'em. I teleported behind a few trees, silently watching them build. They seemed to be lost in thought, not paying attention while working on the hut. I heard Toby groan as he misplaced a block, just leaving it there. I decided not to scare them, but to simply startle them by teleporting while they built. I teleported right into the center, causing them to scream.

"Hey, guys." I greeted with a smile. They calmed down and looked at me cautiously before engulfing me in a group hug.

"Lexis... We missed you so much! Are you okay?!" Jason started firing questions at me as soon as he let go.

"I'm fine, but my captors won't be... I had to change my skin to get out of there." I shuddered, remembering how Alex's skin rippled and crawled.

"Those sons of biscuits!" Toby shouted, stomping his foot. I slightly laughed at his action and continued to answer questions.

"Who were they? Your captors?" Jason shot, studying me as if I would be physically broken.

"The black eyed Hero and other me. They have a son, Adrian, and they ran experiments on me to find out some stuff to do with themselves." I explained, sighing as Jason continued to study me.

"That sounds horrifying." Toby commented, probably thinking of ways they would have gotten the information.

"It was, and it hurt.. I'm okay, though. Don't worry." I smiled, giving them both hugs again and walking back inside. As I walked back into the kitchen, I heard a door slam shut.

"I can't find her anywhere..."

"Hero, it's fine. I'm sure she's okay."

"No, Jerry. You don't get it. Lexis is my wife and she's lost with our child.

"Whoa, we're sorry, but she'll be okay." I peeked out from behind the wall to see Hero, Jerry, and Harry arguing. I swear I saw Harry notice me, but it was probably just his eyes messing up. I walked out slowly to see my mother crying and Hero pacing, obviously trying not to kill the brothers.

"H-Hero...? Momma...?" I called out quietly, trying to keep as calm as I could.

"LEXIS!" Hero looked up at me and his face brightened as my mom ran over to me, engulfing me in a hug.

"Oh, my baby girl... Are you okay? Why happened to you?" My mom started crying, holding on to me tighter.

"I'm fine, momma. Some people took me, but I'm okay now. Don't worry." I smiled as hugged my mom back, letting go only to be picked up by my husband.

"Babe, you don't know how much you scared me... Scared all of us... Promise me that if anything like that happens again, you won't hesitate to do something. Please." He kissed my forehead over and over, like he was trying to make sure I was real.

"I promise, Hero. I promise." I quickly stole a kiss on the lips before hopping out of his arms to get Alice.

"Y'all ready to meet the baby?" I called, Alice asleep in my arms as I walked to the group, which now consisted of the whole household. 'Awww's and 'She's so cute's echoed around us. I smiled, my family is back together and we're happier than I've ever see us be.

"What's her name?" My mom asked, holding her and playing with the pink silk she was wrapped in.

"I've been calling her Alice, but I never got Hero's okay for it, so it's an unofficial name." I looked up at my love, who was just smiling at our child in her grandmother's arms.

"Alice is beautiful. Welcome to your Wonderland, little one." He kissed my temple and gazed down at Alice once more. Like I said, we're happier than I've ever seen.


Well, I'll end this part off here! Omf it's been so long that I've almost forgotten what it's like to write as a married woman and mother XD love y'all. Peace out and rock on, Dessert Creatures!

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