Chapter 16

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Riley came back screaming and thrashing in fear. Her amber eyes flew open in shock as a pair of arms wrapped around her and concerned sky blue eyes stared down at her.

"Ssh, ssh, its ok. You are back in the present," Luke muttered as he held her, slowly rocking her back in forth trying to calm her down.

She was trembling. Returning to the present couldn't have happened at the most random time. Riley thought they had blasted her with a spell and killed her. Chelsea and the Clevelands stood back in silence watching the interaction between the two with worried faces as Luke tried to calm the girl plastered in sweat and covered in Kenny's blood.

"Well, looks like the spell ended at just the right moment," Luke smirked.

He winced as her hand came flying up across his cheek. His jaw dropped in shock from the force of her slap, his skin slowly turning red. She glared up at him in anger, frustrated that he would still find time to joke in her time of distress.

"This isn't funny!"

"I'm sorry," Luke mumbled hanging his head.

"And that stunt you pulled, with the phone! You almost died!" Riley screamed as she angrily pounded her fists in his chest.

"But I didn't, I'm fine, a little woozy, but alive," Luke protested.

Riley rolled her eyes, glaring at the idiot in front of her. Was he really that insane? She glanced around, looking for Kenny only to realize he wasn't there. Her stomach fell, twisting into a deep knot at the realization that she couldn't save him. She had failed. Her eyes welled with tears as she continued to sob. Luke awkwardly patted her back as he tried to calm her down, looking up at the others for help.

"I'll go make some tea," Mrs. Cleveland muttered slipping from the room.

"Ugh, I'll help," Mr. Cleveland gulped.

"Dad, you don't know how to make tea."

"Theresa can teach me!"

"You never could stand a girl crying," Theresa teased, her voice echoing from down the hall as Mr. Cleveland rushed after her.

Chelsea sighed as she watched Riley cry into Luke's chest. She walked over crouching down next to Riley as she rubbed her back in comfort. "Riley, its ok."

"No, it isn't! I couldn't save him! He is gone and you guys are having to stand trial because of me!"

Riley sniffled as she raised her head to look at Chelsea. Chelsea opened her arms engulfing Riley into a hug. Luke sighed in relief that Riley was no longer using him as a tissue as he glanced over at the two girls. He let out a sigh, taking a seat on the couch.

"Luke, are you sure you're ok?" Riley asked as she wiped a tear from her cheek.

Luke forced a smile on his lips as he responded, "I'm fine."

"Liar!" Chelsea snapped, "you are doing good to stand right now! I almost had to call Nathan to come heal your ass!"

"And I'm thankful you didn't. I would never live that one down," Luke chuckled.

Riley frowned, upset that Luke had risked so much to try and warn her what was going on in the present. He may have been a class A jerk the past couple of days, but it was hard to stay mad at the guy after all he did to help Riley.

"Riley, do you remember the words to the spell the Council used to trap Kenny in a tree?" Luke questioned.

Riley glanced down at him in confusion on why it was so important to recall words of a spell. She doubted that she could remember them in their entirety. She was more worried about making sure Kenny didn't stop breathing before they finished the spell. Still, the words echoed in her mind as they flew into her vision loudly and clearly.

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