Chapter 27

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As soon as Kyle left, Kenny shut the door of the classroom muttering both a silencing and locking incantation on the room. He didn't want to risk any prying ears from overhearing their conversation.

"How is your first day going?" He asked as he pushed his blonde hair out of his eyes.

He could tell something was worrying Riley and he hoped that boy wasn't the reason behind it. Luke was trouble enough, but now that Derek had returned to school, the trouble would only intensify around Riley. The only reason he accepted the position as Spell-master in the first place was to make sure nothing happened to Riley and with Derek being here, his job just got more difficult.

"Its definitely different. Why would your father put me in all the advanced classes? I have no idea what I am doing."

Riley's voice pulled Kenny from his brooding thoughts as he glanced over at her in interest. She lazily leant against one of the desks, her eyes studying Kenny's own face as she spoke. He hoped she hadn't sensed his own unease and didn't want to add to her worries.

"Spell-master Domingo is a bit of an ass in Potions, I hope he didn't embarrass you too badly."

Kenny forced out a smile. Only, it ended up looking like a grimace with the muscles in his face not used to actually smiling. Riley smirked, shaking her head at him as she continued to speak.

"No, Luke got assigned as my partner. He spent more time screaming at Luke than noticing I had no idea what I was doing."

"I'm willing to help catch you up to speed with everyone else."

"Thanks, Kenny, I really appreciate it."

Kenny shot her a look. She should know better than to call him by his first name in school. Familiarity would only cause more suspicion and rumors to spread by the students.

"Please don't make me call you Spell-master Cleveland in school, its weird!" Riley groaned.

"Well, I am your Spell-master," Kenny replied.

Riley rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms shaking her head. Maybe he was being too harsh. Still, he had to be professional despite these strange urges he kept feeling when around her. He still didn't want to accept his feelings for her, knowing it would only make things more difficult. His heart didn't agree. Just standing so close to each, he could feel his heart fluttering like crazy. He resisted the urge to wrap her in his arms as he took a step back, leaning against his desk. She still looked troubled, standing there as her mind kept wondering somewhere else and he was determined to get down to the bottom of her troubles.

"What's on your mind? It was a bit rude not to listen to my lecture," Kenny snapped.

Riley sighed as she collected her thoughts. "You mentioned a potion created by Merlin. What if a similar one can be created to strip powers?"

"That is a possibility. It would do good to keep Luke from pestering me any further," Kenny replied as he stroked his chin in interest.

Riley glared at him, shaking her head as she continued to speak. "Not for him, I mean for me. If it means no longer living with people constantly breathing down my neck, I am more than willing to strip my powers."

Kenny clenched his fists in anger as he shook his head at her stupidity. Without thinking he closed the distance between them, slamming his hand on the desk behind her as he leaned towards her face. Riley flinched, looking up at him in fear. She looked liked a dear frozen in the headlights, but Kenny didn't care. He would not let her think such insane thoughts.

"NEVER, EVER think that. Don't lose your powers because you are scared of what Luke's father plans on doing. You out power him, you were named Merlin's Legacy. You are the one that will change this history for wizards!"

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