Chapter 33

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"Ow, your elbow is in my kidney." Derek groaned as his eyes fluttered open. That spell really had a kick to it. The group lost consciousness upon landing and weren't sure how long they had been out as they found themselves laying in a tangled mess on the forest floor.

"Well, your knee is stabbing my back." Riley sighed as she struggled to sit up.

"Riles, that-" Luke began before Riley flung both boys off of her with her mind as she sat up.

"I realized that." She snapped as she slowly stood up, taking a look around.

"Was that necessary?" Derek groaned as he rubbed his sore head propping himself up against the tree he had just been flung into. She just flashed a smile at him as she pulled out her phone. Riley's phone flashed a warning, stating there was no cell service or time and date displayed. The spell had worked, or they were lost in the middle of nowhere.

Riley glanced up at the tree before her, feeling the life-force inside. "Kenny." She whispered.

"Riles, why are you talking to a tree?" Luke questioned as he came to stand beside her with Derek following suit. She pressed her hand up against the tree wishing it was his face.

"It worked." She muttered, "Say hello to Kenny."

"You named the tree after your boyfriend?" Derek asked. Riley laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"No, that is her boyfriend." Luke grinned.

"Whatever floats your boat." Derek replied.

Of course, he remembered the stories. Kenny had been a tree before being granted his humanity back. His father had mentioned it when the whole trial mess of the Council had first began. His father was furious that Luke's dad was still blindly trying to kill Riley, but to many on the Council still supported the Nobles. His father was outnumbered to voice his opinion, and instead had to bite his tongue and stay silent.

Luke pulled Riley into a hug laughing, "You are a genius! A bloody genius!" He rubbed her hair as Riley groaned.

"Luke!" She fought against his hug, "Release me or I will send you flying through the next building I see." He smirked as he pulled away.

"Sorry, this is just spectacular. We found a new way to get to the past!"

"Yes, but we better hurry. The power from that spell notified everyone in the present." Derek replied. Riley and Luke nodded.

"I guess, we need to find Merlin now." Luke muttered. Riley nodded pointing behind her.

"The village was this way." She began to march off, having the boys follow her as she headed towards the village. She gasped at the sight of it as they approached. It had grown, almost tripled in size as it relocated further south from the original battle.

"Some village." Derek muttered.

"More like fortress." Luke replied. Riley nodded her head in agreement. It looks like they weren't alone either. The thundrous sound of multiple horses approaching as a small army rushed forward, shields and spears at the ready directed straight towards the intruders.

"Crap, I wasn't expecting this." Riley gasped, "Don't do anything stupid, Luke."

"Why would you think I would do anything?" Luke whined.

"Because, you are that predictable." Derek grinned as the trio watched the knights circling them.

One of the knights jumped off his horse, removing his helmet as he approached, shaking his dark brown hair out around him as he glared down at them. "Strangers, welcome to Camelot." He coldly stated as he pointed his sword at them, "I am sir Lancelot and I order you to state your business."

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