Chapter 9

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Kenny received the summons to meet with the Council shortly after Riley left. Well, it wasn't exactly a request. Instead, the Council had forcefully summoned Kenny to their American Headquarters to face judgment for Kenny's own failure last night.

He  found himself in the dreaded circular room that served as the courtroom. Those being put on trial were forced to stand beneath everyone while the Council towered overhead and spectators would sit behind the alleged guilty. Kenny wasn't a big fan of the courtroom's set up making the victim feel like they were being looked down upon.

Immediately, Kenny noticed that not a single Elder was present in the room while only one representative of the International Council was present and five of the American Council. Legally, this wouldn't be considered a trial. Ten representatives had to be present for that to occur. Still, Kenny couldn't let his guard down so easily as he glared up at the Council representatives before him.

"Alzkend," the head of the Council snapped as his sky blue eyes narrowed in on Kenny.

"I am at your service," Kenny replied with a polite bow.

"No, you have failed," the Council head snapped.

Kenny frowned, shaking his head. He wasn't going to allow for Riley's death sentence to be carried out. He would fight with all he had. He just wished he had more time to provide them with valid argument.

"I will not kill the innocent," Kenny replied as he clenched his fists, "a girl unaware of the existence of magic is no threat. Just because of the rumors of her great power, does not make her evil. Without valid proof, her execution is murder!"

The council head smirked as he glared down at Kenny as he spoke, "If she is so innocent, why is she meeting with a powerful wizard with a love for dark magic right now?"

Kenny froze as he realized who Riley was with. She really was naive if she still went to make amends with Luke after all that happened last night. Luke associating with Riley only made the Council push for her execution sooner. If only that boy had stayed away, Kenny could have more time with Riley. Still, Kenny was positive Riley would never cross the line of dark magic. Her aura was too pure.

"Just because she is talking to him doesn't make her evil. We all know how well Luke likes to play his manipulative games," Kenny explained. "He is your son after all."

Kenny glared up at the Council in defiance as he locked eyes with the Council head. He had angered the man. Kenny waited for the man to lose his temper. The Council head's second in command placed his hand on the man's shoulder, shaking his head. The International council member stepped forward to speak before the Council head could open his mouth.

"You have until the end of tomorrow to finish her or you both will face the consequences," he stated.

Kenny's face fell with the representative's words. In the Wizarding World, the International Council ranked just under the Elders and the Council's of each country fell under the International Council's jurisdiction. By an order issued by both a Council head and International Council member, it held the same value as just an Elder issuing an order.

"Wait, no, you got to be kidding me! Why are you so hellbent on destroying her? Give her a chance to prove how she is good. Not an evil thought fills her mind!" He argued.

Kenny was still screaming as he was sent spiraling back towards his home. The Council was done speaking with him. No amount of arguing would make them listen. They were dead set on killing Riley. Kenny had to find a way to protect her even if it meant risking his life in the process. Kenny about knocked over Mr. Cleveland as he rushed up towards his room in a mad dash.

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