Chapter 14

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Alzkend pushed the stolen horse faster, heading towards the edge of the woods and towards the village. He could keep to the woods the whole way but it was must faster to cut through the village to reach the Council. A loud explosion rang through the air, sending Alzkend tumbling from his horse and to the ground below.

He quickly muttered some spells to slow down his momentum as he went rolling across the dirt ground, dust flying up around him. Villagers screamed and ran while others leant over loved ones trapped under collapsing buildings. His own family lived here and he hoped they were all well. Alzkend hadn't seen them in years, but knew they had moved here in hopes of being closer to their son after he left to learn magic with the Sorcerer.

Alzkend looked over his shoulder to see what caused the source of the blast. His eyes widened in shock at the sight of the woman floating above the village. She no longer appeared human. Her pale skin was adorned in a tight black dress ,her dark black curls flew out around her and the pupils of her eyes were completely black. Even her aura radiated black around her. She was using her aura to attack, a very advanced magical technique that even the Sorcerer hadn't mastered yet.

His whole face drained of color when he realized this girl was nowhere knew close to being that weird Riley girl. No, she was nothing but an empty shell, her magic had completely taking over her mind. She cackled maniacally as she shot fire balls out, firing randomly at villagers trying to escape. One of those fireballs struck a couple running to hopeful safety, engulfing the poor souls in a blaze as they burned alive.

The knights came in a hastily made formation to assess the danger and aid the villager's escape. They weren't much help and many were being taking down before they even had the chance to attack. One of the nights noticed Alzkend standing there watching everything unfold in shock.

Their voice sounded distance and distorted as they approached him. He blinked, shaking his head as he turned to face the man. How embarrassing, he had frozen in stone cold fear. He should be helping save the village, not watching its destruction.

"Sir Alzkend, might thou and thy Council come to the Kingdom's aid?"

Alzkend studied the knight, seeing the terror in his eyes. The Council hadn't arrive yet. They would be here soon, but Alzkend doubted even they would be strong enough to stop this beastly demon.

The other knight's looked hopeful. They wanted so badly for salvation. Alzkend chuckled to himself, knowing salvation would not come. They were all doomed. Still, he had to fight. If anything, he could distract her attention long enough so the villagers could find safety.

Run all they might, but as long as she was alive, they would never truly be safe. He gulped as he pushed up his sleeves, stepping forward bringing himself to stand within the Sorceress's eyesight.

He swallowed his terror, replacing that with anger as he shouted, "evil beast, thou shalt not layeth another hand on my people! Fey thou are!"

The Sorceress cocked her head, glancing down at the man below her. The whole countryside rang with her cackles, a loud booming echoing throughout. She floated to the ground, amusement laced with malice on her face as she eyed Alzkend. Her black dress hugged her hips as she stepped, pausing in front of the man. Alzkend flenched, gulping at the power she radiated.

Her voice grew low as she leant in, her lips brushing against Alzkend's ear as she spoke. He tried to move, but was frozen by her spell.

"Behold the destruction all art fated."

The Sorceress maliciously grinned as she flicked Alzkend's forehead. He gasped as he was sent flying back, tumbling into the incoming reinforcements. The Council had arrived, ready to fight with the Sorcerer in the lead.

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