Daddy's princess

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Ben pov

Another bottle. That's my life. Bottle after bottle after bottle. Sometimes I wonder what I'm even doing. Why I'm even doing this. And how I started. But those thoughts fade away as the bottles become empty. And so do my thoughts.
I was at the bar, again. I've been here so many times, the bartender knows my name. I don't know why I come here. Even on good days, I drink. And bad days, I drink more. It's my only distraction I guess. I already had 6 beers, 3 margaritas, 4 jacks, and the rest is a blur. I was always so drunk, I was surprised I was not dead.
I went to the dance floor. I liked having some random chick grind up against me, then taking her home with me and fucking her brains out. It was almost like a routine I had. Wake up hung over, go to bar, drink, hit the dance floor, come home and fuck the whore I brought, kick her out, sleep, repeat. Sometimes I let the whore stay the night, but it was rarely.
As soon as I got to the middle of the dance floor, some slut started grinding up against me, but hey, who am I to complain? I started dancing too. Until I saw him.
I only saw him for a good 5 seconds, but in those 5 seconds, I could tell I wanted him. So I left. I left the whore to dance on some other dude, and went to go find my prize for tonight.
I searched what felt like the whole dance floor, and then just when I was about to give up, I saw him again. He was at the bar getting a drink.
"5" the bartender said. He was about to pull out the money, but I stopped him.
"Here ya go nick." I said, handing him the $5. I grabbed the drink and handed it to the beauty standing in front of me.
"Thanks, you didn't have to do that, I have money." I just smiled at him and shook my head at his words. He had an accent. It was thick, not British, but perhaps Ukrainian?
"Haha, no problem. And yeah, I know, but a beauty like you shouldn't have to pay." He blushed and looked down at my comment. He looked up and took a sip of his drink.
"Umm, thanks, again." He said, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. "Well, umm, I should be going, thanks for the drink, see you around." He turned around, about to leave, but I grabbed him by his hips and spinned him around to face me. There's no way I'm letting him go that easy.
"Where you think you're going princess?" I asked him, smirking at his shocked face.
"Uh, ummm, I-I-I was, about t-to leave." He stuttered out, clearing his throat in the end.
"Why?" I asked, playing with a strand of his hair.
"B-because, um, i, don't know."
"Stay with me princess. Don't worry, I don't bite, unless you ask." I said, winking at him.
"Oh, ummm, okay." He took a seat with me on one of the bar stools across from me, yeah, no, that's not gonna work for me.
I yanked him off the stool and onto my lap, taking him by surprise.
"What are you doing?" He asked, facing me.
"Well, it's just you were sitting so far away from me princess. That wasn't gonna work for me." I slowly kissed his neck, making him gasp.
"S-stop! I don't even know you! Heck, we literally just ment like, what, 4 minutes ago!?!?" He said, pushing me away from his neck.
"5, actually."
"Oh, big difference! Not! Listen, it was nice meeting you and all, but I gotta go, thanks for the drink!" He said, getting off my lap and walking away.
I was pissed.
No one gets away from me that easy, oh hell no! I quickly got off the stool and went after him. I was gonna fuck him, no matter what. I quickly caught up to him and grabbed his wrist. I pinned him to the nearest wall and started kissing his neck.
"Get off me you freak!" He struggled in my hold but I was to strong. "Didn't you hear me you dick! Get off me!"
"Oh I heard you loud and clear princess, but you see, I get what I want, and what I want, is you." I said, lifting him up and over my shoulder, carrying him out.
"Put me down! Please! Let me go!" He kicked and screamed, but it didn't even faze me to be honest. I put him into the passenger seat of my car and quickly got into the drivers side. I started driving home, even tho I was drunk.
"Open the door." I didn't move. "Please." I still didn't move, I just kept driving, eager to get home and fuck his little ass. "May you please open the god damn door so I can get out." I took a quick glance at his beautiful face. He really was a beauty.
"No." I said, and turned back to looking at the road.
"Ugh! What the hell do you want from me!"
"Princess, please, don't yell, save that for the bedroom." I said, smirking.
"Don't call me that." He said, I could just feel his glare.
"Because, I said so." He said, crossing him arms.
"Hmmmm, nah, i'mma keep calling you that."
"I don't even know you!"
"Name's Bruce, Ben Bruce." I said. "And you are....?"
"Denis stoff." He replied.
"Well Denis, you're hot, and I want to fuck you." What? I was being honest!
"Excuse me!"
"You're excused."
"Listen, I'm flattered that you think I'm hot, but you can't just go and put me in your car and fuck me!"
"Why not?"
"Because it's wrong! I mean, I think you're hot too, but that doesn't mean I want to be fucked. I'm still a virgin." He said, looking down at his hands when he said that last part quietly.
"Awww, is that why you don't want me to fuck you? Because you're a virgin?" I asked, teasing him.
  "Haha, princess, there's nothing to worry about." Okay, I was lying, I was pretty big under there.
"You sure?" He asked
"Of course." I smiled at him. And next thing you know we arrived at my house.
I got out of my car, him doing the same, and got in my house. I wasted no time in crashing my lips onto his and bending him over the couch.
"Mmmm, Ben!" He moaned, turning me on. He unbuttoned my jeans, me doing the same to his, and quickly pulled them down. Soon, we were both shirtless, and pantless, our boxers being the only thing keeping us from being fully exposed to each other. Denis couldn't stop moaning, and honestly, I didn't want him to. His moans were so precious. So sexy. I wanted more of him.
"Mmm, fuck, Denis." I moaned as he pulled my hair, me still sucking his neck, marking him as mine.
"Daddy, fuck me, please." Daddy? Hmmm, I can work with that, I liked it.
"Call me daddy again baby." I wissperd in his ear, making him shiver.
"Daddy, please, fuck me, I need you." He bucked his hips up, making our members rub against each other's.
"Spread your legs open for daddy, baby." I growled. I flipped him over so he was now face down, bending over the couch. He obeyed and spread his legs as I asked him to.
I stroked my hard member, just enjoying the view. I moaned as I was jerking myself off.
"Nooo, daddy, you're taking forever, please, just fuck me!" Denis whined. I smirked. I slowly started to pull down his boxers, taking my time in admiring how beautiful he was. Once his boxers were fully off I couldn't help but slap his ass, making him moan. "Harder daddy." I grabbed my belt of the floor and smacked his ass with it.
"That hard enough for you baby?" He just nodded and asked me to do it again, so I did.
After a little while he started to get restless, he was dripping, I swear, if he had a pussy it would be drenched!
"Please, daddy, fuck me!"
"Hmmm..." I hummed, taking me boxers of lining myself up at his entrance. "As you wish my darling." And with that, I slammed in.
"OH MY FUCKEN GOD ITS HUGE!" Denis screamed. I didn't even give him time to adjust, I just kept slamming in and out of his tight little ass. Man, when he said he was a virgin he really wasn't kidding, he's so tight!
"God, baby, you're so fucken tight!"
"Well you're so big!" He moaned, grabbing the couch so hard, his knuckles were turning white.
"Mmm, Ben, harder! Please daddy!" He begged.
"Yeah baby, you like it when I go rough don't you?" He just nodded, not being able to talk with the amount of moaning he was making.
I reached my hand down to grab his dick, and began to jerk him off.
"Shut up you stupid whore!" I yelled, slapping his ass, making him moan even more.
"Sorry daddy." He said, looking at me with a pout.
"Mmm, you're excused, but don't you EVER tell me what to do, you got it, slut?"
"Yes daddy!" He moaned out.
I kept slamming my cock into his now stretched out hole, feeling this all to familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach. I knew I was about to cum, and by the looks of it, I knew Denis was close to.
"Daddy, I'm, I'm about to-" Denis began, but cut him off.
"I know you little bitch, but I cum first, you got that!?"
"Y-yesss, daddy." He said. With one last sloppy thrust, I came inside of him, him fallowing shortly after.
We stayed still for a couple of minutes, both of us trying to catch our breath.
I slowly pulled out of Denis, making him moan a little. I smirked, seeing my cum leaking out his ass and down his bare legs. I slapped his ass before walking towards the other side of the couch.
"So, how was it?" I asked him
"Awesome." He said, still panting. Aww, my poor baby.
"Haha, listen, you're mine now. Meaning, I get to fuck you whenever and wherever I want. You got that?" I said
"Mhm." He hummed, probably to tired to even speak.
"Perfect, now, let's go rest." I carried him bridal style up the stairs of my house to my room and laid him on my bed.
"Thank you for the awesome night daddy." He said
"Sleep well princess, sleep well."
And he did.


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