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Denis pov 

I missed daddy. He always leaves me here, bored. He promised that he was going to spend all day with me today, but work called and he had to go. He apologized, but I still didn't forgive him. I just wanted all his attention, even if it was just for one day, but nooooo, he has to work. I hate it when he's not here, I get lonely.
So here I was, in my room. Me and daddy shared a room but I still had my own if I ever wanted some space. So anyways, I was just laying on the ground, playing with my tail, yes tail, I'm a neko. Daddy loves my soft fluffy tail and ears, he says they make me look cuter than I already am. I was just chewing on my tail when I heard the front door being unlocked.
The smell of mint and honey hit my nose and I knew that daddy was home. I would usually jump up right away and run down stairs and into his arms, but today was different, I was mad.
"Kitten, I'm home!" Daddy yelled. I didn't listen tho, I just kept chewing on my tail. "Kitten? Where are you?" I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and stopping in front of my door. "Kitten? You in here?" Daddy asked, opening the door and stepping in once he saw me on the floor. "Hey kitten. Come give daddy some love." He said, stepping closer to me.
"No!" I hissed. He stepped back, shocked. I never hissed at him, but enough is enough. He won't make time for me, fine, I to can play it that way.
"Kitten, is something wrong."
"Yes" I pouted.
"What is it kitty?"
"You keep leaving me here! All alone! I miss you and you never have time for me!" I felt tears prickle my eyes, but I dared not let them slip.
He sighed, "kitten, I'm very busy, okay? We've been over this." He pinched the bridge of his nose and looked down at me.
"I know we have! But you always give me that 'I'm busy' bullshit!" I yelled at him, feeling like I was about to break down any minute.
"Baby, listen. My job is VERY important. I need to work. You know that. We can spend all day together when I get home. I know I promised you I would today, but work called and said it was an emergency. I can't just refuse because my clingy cat told me not to!" He yelled. And at that, I broke down. His eyes widen as he relised what he just said to me, and guilt and hurt filled his eyes. "Oh, kitten, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that." He said, trying to get closer to me, but I just moved away.
"If you really think I'm just a clingy cat, then maybe you should leave. Leave BEN, leave me like you always do! That's the only thing you're good at! Abandoning me! Just fucken leave you son of a bitch! Bet you won't have a problem doing that!" I yelled, balling my eyes out. I started to throw stuff at him. My lamp, my pillows, my picture frames, my books on my bookshelves, my hairbrush, and a whole bunch of other shit. I hit him a couple of times, but he kept dodging them. Then there was nothing left to throw.
"Denis, kitten, please, calm down. I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for not being a good and loving boyfriend to you. I'm sorry, okay, I'm sorry." He looked down, I saw a tear slip down his face. His beautiful face. The face I feel in love with. The face that I have woken up to hundreds of times. The face I always gave small kisses to. The face that will alway stay in my memory.
"Daddy?" I wissperd. Looking down and hugging myself with my tail. My cat ears were flat on my head, showing I felt sad.
"Yes, my kitten?" Daddy asked me, looking up.
"I'm sorry for being mean. I know how important your job is to you. I'm sorry for wanting your attention, for being to clingy. I promise to give you your space. I love you." I said, my head down.
"Oh, kitten, no. I love you too, but no. That is not at all what I want. I love you. You are not at all 'to clingy'. My job will never be more important than you. And it's not your fault for wanting attention, it's my fault for not giving you any. I love you kitten. Don't forget that." By now he was standing in front of me. He grabbed my chin and pulled my head up to look at him. He leaned down and kissed me. His lips were so soft and tinder. I loved them.
"I love you too." I said, pulling apart. And that was true. I did love him.
"Let's go down stairs and watch a movie, yeah? Your choice." At that I squealed, I loved watching movies with him! I ran down stairs and to the living room, picking out wich movie to watch. I chose a movie and sat down next to Ben. He got popcorn and layed down, me laying down with him and cuddled up to his chest. I love him, and he loves me. What more can I ask for?


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