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Ben pov

I love sex. That's pretty much all I do. If you were new to meeting me you can easily tell I was flirty with everyone. And by everyone I mean EVERY ONE, my friends, strangers, everyone. Doesn't matter gender, if you're a person, I'll flirt with you.
Me and my friend Danny were walking together, on our way to hang out with our friends at this secret hide out we found. Anyways, on our way there I was flirting with Danny, trying to get him in bed with me.
"Ben, no, we already fucked like, 6 hours ago, wait." Danny sighed, pushing me away.
"But I don't want to wait!" I whined.
"Well then go fuck someone else. There's gonna be alot of people at the hide out, just pick one or two and get at it." Danny said, taking a swing of his wiskey.
"Ugh, fine!" I said, caving in.
"We're here!" Danny exclaimed. We walked over to where James was, making out with some blond.
"Heyyyyy" I said, pulling the blond off him and sitting on his lap.
"Really? She was hot man!" James said mad. Haha, to bad.
"But I'm hotter."
"Suuure, keep telling yourself that buddy." James said, pulling me off and getting up to greet Danny.
"Mmm, Cameron, yes! Fuuuuck!" I heard someone moan. I decided to fallow the moans and see if I could join in on the fun.
"Sam! Ahhh, harder!" The same person moaned out, although this time a different name. I knew Cameron and Sam, they're my friends.
"Heyyyy" Danny appeared next to me.
"Why are you coming with me? I thought you said no fucking." I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Yeah, buuut, I sort of want to know who the moans belong to. I want to know if they're a good fuck so I can get with them later on." Danny replied.
"Alright." And we kept walking, every step the moans getting louder and louder.
We found the room the moans were coming from and walked in, not bothering to knock. Inside was Cameron and Sam double penetrating some dude doggie style.
"Hi Cameron, hi Sam." I said like this was normal. I've litterly walked in on then so many times, it sort of is.
"Sup man." Sam said, pounding in and out of the dude. I walked forward to take a closer look. He took my breath away.
"He's a beauty isn't he?" Cameron said, also pounding in and out of him. With every thrust his body would bounce up and down, every time wimpers would escape his mouth, along with sexy moans.
"He is, what's his name?" Danny asked. He had gotten to the other side of the bed, where the boys head layed.
"Denis, we found him at a bar and couldn't help but bring him here." Sam answered.
"May I suck your cock?" Denis said, looking up at Danny with his big, beautiful brown pleading eyes.
"Wow, you already have two guys fucking you at the same time and you still want more cock!" Danny laughed.
"Please? I want it." Denis pouted, I would of caved in a long time ago.
"Of course." Danny unzipped his black ripped jeans and pulled them out. He took off his boxers, his hard cock springing free, hitting Denis's face.
Denis wasted no time in taking it in his mouth, he bobbed his head up and down. He licked his shaft all the way up to Danny's tip befor taking it completely in. He deep throated him for a couple of minutes before pulling back. He looked at me.
"Aren't you gonna join?" He asked me, batting his eyelashes. He licked one of Danny's balls and rubbed the other one.
"What? You want more cock?" I was surprised. He had Danny's cock down his throat, he had Cameron and Sam fucking him, and he wants me to join in?
"What can I say, I like cock?" He smiled, then licked the vein running up Danny's cock, making Danny moan and throw his head back in pleasure.
"Come on Ben, we have room for one more over here." Sam said. I looked over at him, then back to Denis.
"Come on, please?" Denis begged, kissing Danny's tip.
I smirked and moved over to where Cameron and Sam stood. I made my way between them and unzipped my jeans, I didn't where boxers today. I lined myself up and quickly slammed in, making Denis moan and scream in pleasure. Soon James came in.
"Wow, did not expect to see this." He said, sitting down on the bed.
"I want you to." Denis said to James. Man, that boy really can't get enough.
"Okay." James replied, shrugging his shoulders. He got underneath Denis and started blowing him.
"Ohhhhh, I'm gonna, ahhh" Sam moaned, cumming inside of Denis. Denis moaned as he felt Sam shooting his load inside him.
"Fuck, me too." Cameron pounded into Denis a few more times befor cumming inside him too. Now it was just me, Danny, and James pleasuring Denis.
"Shit, i'mma cum, you better fucken swallow you whore." Danny said, grabbing Denis's hair and pulling him more down, making him gagg a little, but he soon recovered.
"Mmmm." Denis just hummed in reply, sending vibrations to go up Danny's dick, making Danny shoot his load in Denis's mouth. And as Danny told him, he swallowed it all.
"Fuuuuck, this feels so good!" Denis moaned. I too was getting close. With a few more thrust, I was shooting cum inside Denis's ass.
"Mmmm, i'mma cum too!" Denis yelled, bucking his hips, making James moan as well, that was enough to make Denis cum. James swallowed, he to came.
We were all exhausted, all of us were breathing heavily.
Denis then got up and walked out of the room, I fallowed. He went into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He sighed.
"Hey, you okay?" I asked, taking him by surprise.
"Ben! God you almost gave me a heart attack!" He said, his hand to his chest.
"Oops, sorry."
"It's okay, and yeah, I'm fine. Why you ask?" He leaned on the bathroom wall.
"You just seem a little upset, that's all." I was truly concerned about him.
"N-no, I'm fine" But he wasn't, there were tears clouding his eyes. He looked away, trying to hide them, but I already saw them.
"Hey, hey, why you crying beautiful?" I asked, walking to him and pulling him close.
"It's nothing." He said. Lies.
"If it was really nothing, you wouldn't be crying." I wiped his tears with my thumb, looking down at him.
"I feel so bad." He said, looking down.
I grabbed his chin and made him look up at me. "Why?" And that's when he broke down.
"I feel like I'm just good for sex and nothing else, like the only time people care about me is when I'm pleasuring them. I'm so useless. I'm just a slut that is not good for anything but taking cock." Denis cried. I hugged him. He didn't deserve this. He was worth way more.
"Shhh, it's okay beautiful. Don't think that about yourself. You are worth way more then you think. I may not know you, but I do know that you don't deserve to be sad. You're too precious for that." I held him tight. I didn't want to let go.
"Why? Why do you care about me?" Why did I care?
"I don't know to be honest. I just do. I'm not normally caring towards people, but with you, I feel like I should care for you. Like I should treasure you." And it was true, I did feel that way, but I just didn't know why.
"Thank you." Denis squeaked out.
"For what?"
"For caring. It means alot." He said, wiping his tears with his hand.
"You welcome beautiful." He blushed at my nickname for him, it was so cute!
"I should get going. It's getting late." He said, pulling out of my grip. I got sad.
"Where are you going?" I asked, trying to make it sound like I was curious and not sad as fuck.
"I don't know. I don't really have a home."
"Come with me. You can sleep at my house." I suggested.
"Thanks Ben, but wouldn't it be to much trouble?" He asked, looking uncertain.
"No, not at all. I have a guest bedroom you can sleep in."
"Okay. Thank you so much!" He hugged me and went upstairs to get changed, me doing the same. This was going to be entrancing.


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