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Denis pov 

I felt free. My fur was blowing in the wind as my paws hit the rough dirt under me, my ears were perked up as my body jumped over rocks and fallen down trees. I felt like I was one with the earth. I ran and ran until I felt my lungs burning for oxygen, I ran and ran until my paws ached. I stopped at a near by river for water. I looked down at my reflection in the water, my wolf was beautiful. My wolf was full on jet black, like the night. I loved running, it was the only time I ever felt at peace with the world, and my mind.
I drank some more water until I felt some drip on my back. I looked up at the grey sky, knowing very well it was about to rain. I howled in happiness, I loved the rain. I heard thunder, but I wasn't scared, if anything, I was excited.
I started to run, where to, I had no idea, but I just felt like  running more deeper into the woods. So I did. Thunder echoed as I ran passed trees, over logs and rocks, under branches and through long leaves. My wolf felt so happy, so free, and I did too.
I stopped running after a couple of minutes, and looked back. I didn't know how to get back, but I didn't care. I never had a place to call my home, so I had no place to go back to, and to be honest, at times like these, I was glad.
I walked further, I didn't know why, but I did. I soon came to a clearing. It was beautiful. No one was there, just flowers and some fluffy squirrels. It had flowers covering every inch of the ground, it was truly breathtaking.
I was about to go explore it more when I heard a low growl behind me. I turned around, and was instantly shaking with fear. A rouge stood in front of me. A jet black, red eyed rouge. It was way bigger then me, and had blood dripping down its snout. I wimpered in fear, and took a step back, but he took a step closer. I didn't know what to do, my body was frozen in place, I couldn't move. I was scared.
It jumped out at me, making me snap out of whatever daze I was. I started to run, but he only ran after me. I tried out running him, but he was to fast. My paw cought onto a branch, causing me trip and tumble down a small hill. I wimpered and tried to get up, only to be pushed back down by the rouge that was chasing me. It snapped it's disgusting yellow teeth at me, and then jumped. It landed on top of me and started biting my chest, face, and snout. Blood started to pour out of my wounds, my fur was drenched in my own blood, I tried getting him off, but he just wouldn't budge.
And then he came and rescued me, and that's when my life changed.

Ben pov

"Alpha! A rouge has attacked one of our pack members, he went up north!" My beta, Cameron, said running up to me.
"Sam! Get the pack doctor! James, round up our soldiers! Cameron, you lead the way! NOW!" I demanded. Cameron shifted to his grey wolf and started running, me doing the same to my brown wolf.
We ran and ran, the rouge in front of us, it was fast, but we were faster. "Alpha! Watch out!" Cameron yelled. The rouge had changed directions and was now attacking. It was 1 against 30, easy defeat.
I was about to charge, but then my sences picked up a certain smell. I couldn't put my finger on it, but that smell, it smelled so good, mesmerizing even. My mind became dizzy, I couldn't think straight.
"Alpha!" And that's when I snapped out of it. I was knocked down by the rouge, but soon regained my balance.
'Well well, looks like your alpha here found his mate' the rouge said through the mind link all werewolves shared. 'It would be a shame if something were to happen to it, don't you think?' It smirked at me. I growled.
'Don't, even think about laying one finger on him.' I snapped at him. He just howled in laughter.
'Hmmmmm, no promises.' He then ran. He ran towards the amazing smell. He ran towards my mate.
I wasted no time in going after him. All I could see was red. I was angry, no way in hell I was letting a rouge anywhere near my mate! I sped up my pace, my soldiers were having a hard time keeping up, but I didn't care, I just wanted my mate to be okay.
'Better hurry alpha, you're mate taste so good.' At that, my blood ran cold. I was beyond angry now. I was furious.
I howled. I ran faster, and faster, and faster. My only thought was to make that baster pay. I heard a wimper, and I stopped. I sniffed the air, the smell was so strong. I looked around, but I didn't see anyone. I heard another wimper coming from the bottom of a small hill, I ran towards it. What I saw made me feel one thing and one thing only.
I growled and sprinted to the bottom, running into the rouge, knocking him down. I quickly ran towards my mate, who was curled up into a small ball, trying to hide.
"There he is!" I heard Danny yell, my soldiers ran down the hill to where I was at. I didn't say anything, I just nudged my mate, making him curle up into a smaller ball. I heard howling and the sound of bones braking, I knew that rouge was being killed, but I didn't care to look, I just wanted to know if my mate was okay.
"Alpha, are you okay!?" Danny ran up to me.
"I'm fine."
"Who is this?" Danny tapped him with his paw, making him squeak.
"DONT FUCKEN TOUCH HIM!" I yelled, standing over him protectively. I growled at Danny, and at everyone who turned to look at me.
"Ben, chill, calm down. We're not going to hurt him, we promise." Cameron said. I nodded, but didn't move.
"Alpha, what do you want us to do with this thing?" One of my soldiers asked, holding up a barley breathing rouge. I looked at it, feeling hatred towards it. It almost killed my mate, that was unforgivable.
"Kill it." And with that, I took at hold of my tiny scared mate and trotted back to my village, leaving my soldiers to kill that sad excuse for a wolf called a rouge.
I walked into my house, well more like castle, and went up to my room. I shifted into my human form and opened my door, I quickly changed into some black ripped skinny jeans and a leather jacket. I put my mate on my black king sized bed, and stood back. It almost blended in with my sheets.
"Shift." I ordered it, but it just shook his head, no. I sighed. "Come on, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." He didn't move, he just stayed curled up. "Okay then, have it your way. Listen, I'll be back, I just need to take care of some things. Stay here." I left the room and walked to where James was, I just needed to clear my mind for a bit.

Denis pov

"Just talk to him Denis, god dammit now you got him all mad." I thought to myself. I wanted to talk to Ben. I really did. But I was scared. I shifted to my human form and explored around the room. It was a nice room. The walls were black, so was his bed, but the pillows were red. He had a nice room, I liked it.
I relised that I was naked and that I didn't have any clothes, so I decided to barrow some of his. I got out a black hoodie, which was a little to big, but whatever, and some black boxer briefs.
I sat down on his bed and waited for him to come back. I missed him. My wolf felt sad. I wimpered and pouted. I was about to get up and look for him, but then I remembered him telling me to stay here, so I quickly sat back down.
Time passed by, and Ben still hadn't come back. I was going to get up, but then I heard the door click, then I saw it open. And then I saw Ben. I got up ran towards him. I jumped up and into his arms, taking him by surprise. I started kissing his face, making him chuckle.
"I recon you've missed me?" I nodded, kissing his cheek. "What's your name?" He asked.
"Denis." I replied shyly. I just wanted to kiss him again.
"Denis, I like that." He leaned down and kissed my lips, making me feel on top of the world. He pulled back and I whined.
"Nooooo" I grabbed his face and kissed him again, making him laugh.
"Denis, stop, we need to talk." I stopped, and backed away, looking at him, scared. "Awww, no no no, it's nothing bad baby, don't be scared. We just need to talk about arrangements." I looked at him confused. "You know you're moving in with me, right?" I shook my head. "Well you are." I smiled at him. "I need to know where your pack is located at so we can get your stuff." I frowned at that.
"I-I dont have a pack. My old pack kicked me out. I don't have anything." I looked down, feeling embarrassed.
"It's okay baby, this is your new pack. Your new family, and we all love you." Ben came up to me and kissed my nose, I smiled and kissed his lips. This was the start of something beautiful.

No smut, oh well. Picture of Cameron at top^

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