Lovely visit

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Ben pov

My friend was coming into town and I was excited. I haven't seen him in a while. Even tho I was excited, I was kind of nervous. My friend was always a little too wild. He would get high or drunk and do the stupidest shit ever. But hey, I still loved him. His name was Danny. Me and him did everything together, but, stuff happened and he moved away. But now he's coming into town and it's gonna be wild!
"Ohhhhh, fuck baby harder!" Denis moaned on top of me. Denis was my boyfriend. Me and him started off hating each other, but, one night we hooked up and feelings happened so now we're here.
"Ugh, fuck, Denis, just like that? You like that?" We always did this. We can't go 3 hours without fucking each other, it's ridiculous. But I love him and the sex, so it's all good.
"Mmm, wait, wait, stop, stop..." I quickly pulled out, he never did this when we were in the middle of fucking.
"Is something wrong baby?" I asked concerned.
"No, I just really want to suck your cock right now." He said, getting on his knees.
"Well then, get to work." And so he did. Fuuuuck! He gives the best head ever! I'm so lucky to have such an experienced lover. Yes, experienced, Denis is a bit of a slut when it comes to cock. The bigger the dick, the more he'll obey.
"Mmmm, fuck baby" I moaned, tangling my hand in his hair and pushing his head down more, making him gagg. Mine and Denis's relationship is a bit strange, I let my friends fuck him and let him blow whoever he wants, as long as they don't cum inside him. And he let's me fuck whoever I want and get blowed by whoever as long as I don't cum inside them. Strange, but simple. Sometimes I have my friends over and we'll all fuck Denis at the same time.
Anyways, back to the Danny situation, when Danny lived with me, me and Denis were at the start of our relationship. Danny and Denis, did not, in any way, like each other. So, sence I know how much Danny loves sex, and how much Denis loves cock, I was thinking maybe I can use that to my advantage.
I just want Danny and Denis to get along, and if them fucking solves the problem, then that's what's gonna happen.
"Ben, hellloooo!!!" Denis snapped his fingers in front of my face, snapping me out of my daze.
"Huh, what?"
"I said, are you gonna cum in my mouth or not?"
"Oh, um, sorry baby, but I can't right now, I'm not feeling up for it." I said, automatically regretting my choice of words.
"What!? What do you mean you're not up for it?! Did something change?"
"No, it's just...remember Danny?" I asked, kind of scared.
"Yeah, what about him?" Denis said, get up and sitting on my lap facing me, still naked may I add.
"He's coming back to town tomorrow." And that's when Denis freaked.
"Oh hell NO, I am not going anywhere near him! He's such a pig!" Denis said, crossing his arms.
"Weeeelll, you sort of have to, because, you see, he's sort of, staying here."
"BENJAMIN PAUL BRUCE HE IS NOT STAYING HERE!" Denis yelled, getting off my lap and walking to the kitchen.
"Denis, please, he has no other place to stay." I said, wrapping my arms around him and holding him to face me.
"What about the others? Can't he stay at James?"
"Nope, James going to be staying at his girlfriend's."
"How bout Cameron?"
"Cameron has a roommate."
"Sam has a one bedroom apartment."
"Ugh!" Denis yelled, getting out of my hold and pushing me away. He walked up the stairs, away from me. Now I was getting mad.
"Denis, get back here!" I yelled, walking up the stairs as well.
"No!" He said, walking into our bedroom. He was about to slam the door but I stopped him.
"Now you listen here you little bitch, Danny's staying here weather you like it or not, and you're going to respect that. You might not like the idea, but frankly, I don't care. If you don't obey me, I will not fuck you for the whole time he's staying, and I'll make sure no else does. But, if you obey, I'll fuck you anytime you want." I said, walking in the room and standing in front of him. Denis looked at me in shocked, not believing I just denied him sex.
"Haha, thats a good one Ben, but we both know you wouldn't be able to go 3 hours without sex." Denis said, crossing his arms and smirking at me.
"Hahaha, you're right baby, but I'll just fuck Danny, and I'll make sure you watch." I got closer to him, and grabbed him by his neck. "Now, do we have a deal bitch?" I said, squeezing his neck, not enough to hurt him, but enough to let him know I wasn't joking.
"Y-yes." Denis stuttered out.
"Good, now come here, give daddy a kiss." I said, letting him go. He stepped closer and gave me a kiss. I smiled. I really did love him.
××Time skip to next day××
I opened the door to find a smiling Danny.
"Heyyyyy, brotha!" Danny yelled, giving me a hug.
"Dannnnyyy! How you been?" I said, giving him a hug as well.
"Good. You know, same old same old, haha, how bout you?"
"Good. Ummm, I need to tell you something." I said, biting on my lip ring.
"What is it man?" Danny asked, stepping into the house and putting his bags by the door.
"Ummm, remember Denis?"
"Oh yeah, I do. Why?" He asked, pulling out a bottle of wiskey from his bag and sitting down on my couch.
"Well, he's still my boyfriend and he lives with" At that, Danny dropped his bottle. He looked at me, his expression blank. Then he smiled, then that smile turned into a chuckle, and that chuckle turned into full on laughter.
"Oooooh, Ben, you're funny! Haha, you almost got me there. Haha, yeah, like you would totally stay with a bitch like him." Danny said, wiping his tears due to all his laughter.
"Ummm, Danny, I'm not kidding." I said, looking dead serious. Soon his expression changed. He stopped laughing, and looked back at me.
"Oh." That's all he said. We took a moment of silence and just stared at each other. That silence was soon broken by Denis coming down the stairs, with only a towel wrapped loosely around his hips.
"Oh, hi....Danny." He said, looking at him.
"Hi....Denis." Danny replied. They just stared at each other.
"Well, i'mma go change. See you around I guess." And with that, Denis left.
"He's hot." Danny blurted out, taking me by surprise.
"What?" I asked.
"He's hot. I mean, the last time I saw him, he was cute I guess. But now, he's fucken hot." Danny said, lust clouding his eyes.
"Yeah, and he's all mine." I said, looking up the stairs to where he'd just been. "I'll be right back." I said, going up the stairs and in my room to where Denis was, naked.
"Why!?!" He screamed at me.
"Why what?" I asked him, closing the door in back of me.
"Why didn't you tell me Danny was so hot!?!?" He yelled.
"I haven't seen him in years! How was I supposed to know!"
"Uggghhhhh." Denis groaned, laying on the bed.
"I'm hard." Denis said. And he was, his dick was straight up in the air.
"What do you want me to do about it baby?" I asked, crawling towards him.
"I want both you and Danny to fuck me really hard." I knew it.
"Hmmm, I think Danny will like that. Why don't you ask him?" I smirked, grabbing his dick with my hand slowly stroking him.
"Mmm, Ben." He said, arching his back and moaning.
"Go ask him baby." I said, letting go. He whined but got up anyways and went down stairs to where Danny was still at. I fallowed.
"D-Danny?" Denis asked, crossing his arms behind his back.
"Yeah Deni-woe." Danny's eyes widen of the sight of Denis standing there naked in front of him. I smirked, seeing Danny   starting to get hard.
"Will you fuck me?" Denis asked, no shame what so ever. That's my good baby boy.
"Uhh, umm, w-what?" A very flustered Danny asked.
"Will. You. And. Ben. Fuck. Me." Denis repeated, taking a seat on Danny's lap.
"Mmmm" Danny moaned out. Denis started grinding on him. "I-I
Don't- mmmmm" He didn't get to finish his sentence due to his moaning.
"Please?" Denis asked, practically humping Danny.
"Yes mmm." Danny wissperd. At that I growled and started to attack Denis's neck with kisses and bites, him moaning with every bite. Danny unbuckled his jeans and took them off with his boxers. He pulled Denis up and bend him over the coffee table. I grabbed Danny and pulled him close to me and started making out with him. While I was doing that, I slipped in three fingers into Denis's ass to stretch him out. Me and Danny pulled away shortly.
"God Denis, didn't know you were such a slut." Danny said. He added 3 more fingers into his ass, making Denis's hole stretch even more.
"He's my slut tho." I said, pulling my fingers out, Danny doing the same.
"Could you two just fuck me already, god damn it." Denis said, shaking his ass.
"Haha, a little impatient are we now." I asked, yanking his hair.
"Don't worry baby, we'll fuck you really good." Danny said, rubbing his dick against Denis's hole.
"Well, I'm waiting."
"How do want it baby?" I asked
"I want rough."
"Perfect." Danny smirked.
Danny lined himself up with Denis's entrance and slammed in, not even waiting for him to adjust, he just kept slamming into him.
"OH FUUCK! YESSS! OH GOD HARDER PLEASE!" Denis yelled. Danny, being the wild animal he was, slammed into him harder. I was touching myself, enjoying the show. My baby really did look beautiful. He looked so precious with his mouth opened, sweat covering his body and face, he looked so beautiful being fucked. He was all mine.
"Beeennn, please, I want you to." Denis moaned out. I smirked and waited for him to relax a bit, and once he did, I made my move. I pounded into his ass. He screamed out in both pain and pleasure. "OH SHIT, FUCK!" Denis screamed. So here I was. Me and Danny double penetrating Denis.
"Oh, fuuuck, I'm gonna cum!" Danny yelled. I didn't want him cumming inside Denis.
"Not inside my baby." I growled at Danny.
"Why?" Danny said.
"B-because, daddy, dose-doesn't like it, w-when others cum, insi-de m-me." Denis stuttered out. Danny grunted in response, pulling out and jerking off.
"Mmmm, fuck!" Danny yelled, cumming on Denis's back. Danny sat down on the couch, watching me and Denis finish each other off.
"Fuck, baby, i'mma cum." I moaned
"Yeah, me too." I was first to cum. I came inside him, Denis did shortly after me. I pulled out, sitting next to Danny. Denis fell to the floor, panting heavily.
"That, was, awesome." Danny said in between breaths. I nodded, Denis grunted.
"We should do it again sometime." I said.
"Yeah, what you think, Denis?" Me and Danny both looked at Denis, I tapped him on his butt and he moaned. "I'll take that as a yes then." Danny chuckled.
Oh and let ne tell you, we did.


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