The beginning

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You were laying in bed one day waiting for the crew to come by and set up the cameras around your groups house. You didn't know what you were filming yet or the networks name you were filming for. They had told you it was a secret. While laying in bed You happened to be watching a music show. "Wow I can't believe all these girl groups are so amazing on stage!" You say to yourself in an excited whisper so your group members don't hear you talking to yourself. You felt as though every other girl group that debuted before you were far too good for you to be compared to. You were pulled out of your thoughts by the doorbell ringing. You got up to go answer it, but it looked like your group member, Rei, had already got there before you. Walking up behind her at the front door you see 4 men standing in the hallway that leads to your apartment. One man with thick glasses and black hair, that wasn't really styled was standing in your doorway while the others standing near the stairs. After seeing who it was you immediately bowed your head to be polite. "Hello!" You say while raising your head with a smile. They do the same back. You've never met these guys before so you assume it's the crew to set up cameras. The guy with the glasses confirmed your suspicion by further stating  "We are here to set up the cameras?" You can tell he's nervous by saying it like some sort of question and the tone of voice, but you aren't sure why. Laughing a little Rei says "oh! Yes, of course, come in!" And with that he gestures
For the others that were waiting by the stairs to come inside with him.

-About 1 hour later-

After they were finished setting up the cameras and Rei had saw them out, you had gone back in your room to finish watching the music show. They told you before they left that the filming had started today so they were leaving the cameras on. You felt a little uncomfortable having cameras record you while you're laying in bed, but you try your best to ignore it. You start watching tv again, it's the same music show you were watching before, but now a boy group is on stage. You knew exactly who they were before their group name had popped up on the screen. It was BTS. You have been a big fan of them even before you debuted. When the song had started you found yourself singing along, but quickly stop with the reminder that you are being filmed. You sigh with slight irritation and think some slightly rude things. You aren't exactly upset at the fact you were being filmed, you're actually quite excited, it's more of the fact you have to be careful what you do and say while being filmed in fear of rumors starting. When the song had finished the doorbell rings. You jump a little at the sudden sound. After getting over the initial shock, you get up to answer the door.


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