What Show Is This? (Continued)

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(A/N This chapter is really shitty, I'm going to edit it soon, it's just hard with my current situation. Aka I broke my phone so I'm stuck using an iPhone 4 and a 2007 dell laptop. Plus the fact I had writers block for a while. But I hope you enjoy this chapter anyways until I edit it to make it less shit :3)

(A/N UPDATE. I have now just edited this chapter after what I think is a year lol oops)

After I had opened that dreadful box, with that stupid letter, I was rushed out the door by my members. My manager had come to pick me up to take me to the cafe. I am now sitting in the car debating on if I should just jump out or not. So many things are going through my head at the moment, I didn't even know I could think this fast. We had finally stopped moving. My mind had started to wander even more, making me feel dizzy and kinda want to throw up. "Hey Y/N, are you ok?" David asks me (A/N that's your manager btw, I'm so good at explaining things) I realize I had been breathing extremely heavy with my head in my lap. I quickly sat up and nodded stiffly. "Ok, well put on your mask and sunglasses and go inside." He stated while pointing at the objects next to me. I closed my eyes, taking one final deep breath in. Grabbing the glasses and mask, I put them on. I shakily grab the door handle and step out of the car. With that, David drives off. Shit, no going back now. I start slowly walking up to the cafe door, trying to make sure I don't trip or do anything stupidin front of my "husband". Upon opening the door I see someone in the back of the cafe wearing the same face mask and sunglasses as me.  Immediately I started panicking. Ok, I'm not doing this, fuck that. I checked to make sure that the guy wasn't paying attention, which he wasn't, he was looking at his phone. I took that chance and turned around to leave. I put my hand on the door handle, and was about to pull it opened, until I felt a hand on my wrist tugging me back. I turn around to see a worker from the cafe. "uhh, you're tables this way." he says smiling and pulling me closer to that mysterious man. My mind and my heart are both racing with thoughts and feelings, I'm just about to pass out. This is all too much. Once we had reached the table, the worker had pushed me down in the seat across from my "husband". "Oh, uh.... Hello." I say trying to sound confidant, but failing miserably. "Oh! Hi!" he says. That voice..... I feel like I've heard it somewhere before....


A/N Sorry for such a short chapter and for taking so long to update! my phone broke and I had writers block ;-; hopefully I can start being more consistent and write longer chapters :3

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