Meeting My "Husband"

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That voice..... I feel like I've heard it some where before....

I can't seem to put my finger on it, but I totally feel like I know his voice.... "Uh, do you want to sit down?" he asks pointing to the seat across from him. I had a quick realization that I had been just standing there,  lost in thought. "Oh! yes, of course!" I rush an answer, quickly sitting down. I keep having to remind myself that first off, I need to make a good impression, and second I'm being filmed at the moment so I can't do anything too stupid. If I do, I won't hear the end of it from JYP oppa (A/N Yes this is a jyp girl group for some reason), about how I need to take care of my image. We were both obviously staring at each other even though it was hard to tell with the sunglasses on. I cough awkwardly wanting to break the silence some how. I'm really thankful for this mask right now so he can't see how hard I'm blushing. "Sooooo, should we take these off?" I ask pointing to my face, referring to the sunglasses and mask. "Oh! Yeah! Umm, should I take mine off first, or do you want to go first, or we could do it at the same time?" He asks while not breaking "eye contact". (A/N since you're both still wearing sunglasses) "Is it okay if we do it at the same time?" I ask, Thinking that if one of us goes before the other it will only make things more awkward. "Yea sure! Okay, so on the count of three." We both take our hands and get ready to take off both objects on our faces. "One... Two... Three!" As soon as he finishes counting down neither of us hesitate. We both rip off the objects on our faces and stare at each other. As soon as I get a good look at his face, I feel as if time has frozen. My eyes widen with each second that goes by staring at him. I feel my face start to heat up, and I quickly look down so my hair falls in front of my face. " Y-you're Kim Taehyung."

A/N fuck me in the ass, why do I always write short ass chapters with cliff hangers. I'm a cunt I know ;-; 

We Got Married (Taehyung x Reader) HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now