Kim Taehyung?

344 11 2

A/N  G/n=Group Name, since if i remember correctly I didn't make one up lol

H/C=Hair Color

H/L=Hair Length

E/C=Eye Color

just some things you'll need to know in the future if not in this chapter

"Y-You're Kim Taeyung..."

Shit, I just said that out loud. This is gonna make things really awkward isn't it? "Oh, uh yeah I am..." He said looking down. I could tell he felt uncomfortable, that I pointed that out. "But umm.... Whats your name?" great, he doesn't even know me. Well I kinda guessed he wouldn't since our group had just debuted. "Oh, Im Y/N... I'm in the new JYP group G/N" I say while pushing a strand of my H/L, H/C behind my ear. "Ah, I see..." wow.. this is so awkward. "So-" I was about to break the silence when the waiter came up to our table. "Here are your drinks... Oh, and this." He said while placing drinks and a red envelope on the table. "Thank you, but when did we order drinks?" I ask keeping my eyes on the awful red envelope, as if it were about to move on its own. "I ordered for you!" Taehyung spoke up while giving his famous rectangle smile. I blush while looking up to meet his eyes.His smile is so much better in person than in pictures, it feels like sunshine. I feel my soul being cleansed while looking at it. "Ah thank you..." I snap out of my daze of looking at his smile, and pick up the envelope. "Should I open it?" I ask waving it back and forth in the air. "Go ahead" he says with his beautiful smile again. I nod my head and start to tear into the envelope. Pulling out the paper I start to read the writing out loud....

"Dear the Taehyung and Y/N Couple..."

A/N Short chapter because I have a lot to do and its 6:41 am lol, I'm not able to edit this yet, so if its not that good or something is wrong with it, it will be fixed. I also apologize for not updating, back in december i got really sick, which i still am actually lol. Im not as sick anymore, thank god. I have also been busy with life stuff and trying to keep up with other things, i hope you all understand!

We Got Married (Taehyung x Reader) HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now