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You sat up, panic filled you, what happened? Why is your gem broken? How do you fix it? You groaned and your voice glitched halfway through it "uggg-1:-gghhhh" you did not feel well.

"(G/N)!!" Someone yelled, it sounded like... Steven? "(G/N) I I'm so sorry! I-I couldn't fix your gem, it wouldn't work, it wouldn't work!" The poor boy sobbed into your arms. You hugged him with one arm and patted his head with your other "it-it's okay, I didn't even know you could heal gems." You said, wondering why he felt guilty.

"I fixed lapis, I couldn't fix amethyst and now I can't fix you either" he sniffled. "Hey, hey, this wasn't your fault little man, it was mine for being so clu-::09($12- clumsy" you managed to spit out. "Plus, It isn't that baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad" you glitched. You could feel it growing WORSE but didn't worry about it, Steven needed you, and juice, JUICE! You suddenly remembered she unfused. "Hey Steven, where are all of Juices counterparts?" You asked, curious.

"O-OH THEIR NAMES ARE BENITOITE AND TANZANITE AND CITRINE AND EMERALD!!!" He yelled suddenly Very excited. "Wo-woah Steven calm down okay? Can I meet them?" You asked, Steven grabbed your hand and led you out the house and onto the grass. There all the gems sat. Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Peridot, Lapis, Jasper, Benitoite, Tanzanite, Citrine, Emerald and even connie was there.

They all looked really worried. You went to wave and smile to show you were alright but when you waved your arm stretched really far and you tripped on it. "Guys I'll b-b-b-b-be alriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigght" you glitched as you said that, making it worse. You smiled and suddenly Steven burst into tears. "What are we gonna do!" He sobbed, with tears in your eyes you replied "get used to it I suppose."

You sprang to your feet and your leg stopped working but you didn't fall over and you 'walked' over to the gems. "You know, (G/N)... fusion, fusion feels great and..." Garnet begun, "If you were to fuse with someone you would stay healthy for a while, until Stevens powers came back." She said.

You were shocked, no one would willingly stay FUSED with a cracked Gem until Stevens powers came back. You smiled sadly and said "it's okay-" you stopped because suddenly Benitoite and Tanzanite stood up, they were part of duo, before they got better. "Garnet talked to us about this while you were out (G/N)." Benitoite said, whose sentence was continued by Tanzanite, "and we remember what you did for us while we were fused." Then they both talked at the same time "and we agreed to both fuse with you as long as we can until Steven gets better!" They said, they were like twins.

You were shocked to stay the least, "b-but a bubble would work right?" You said, as your other arm stretched out. "Well, technically but this way you don't miss anything important, like Stevens birthday! Fusion is a much better option!" Pearl said.
"are you t-t-t-two surrrrrrrrre?" You asked, ignoring your glitches.
"Yes!" They both said with complete confidence. You smiled and yours, Benitoites and Citrines gems all began to glow, you smiled up at each other before beginning a wonderful experience.

Now I'm done ahaha

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