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chimchimfinally you decided to join in the conversation

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finally you decided to join in the conversation

i was reading through the chat.

did you get me a present while you were gone?

no, i tried though.

then how did you fail?

this really cute girl came and her personality was shit and then we were going at it and she like spat on me,

we don't need to know the rest of that story

what? it wasn't inappropriate, we just argued

luckily you have your internet girlfriend!

wtf, i'm not in a internet relationship.

but you ALWAY talk about her

we're just friends, we're a team on fantasy realms 5 so we like to message each other and play online.

she sounds like the type of girl you'd like, one to heal you in battles 😪💯❤️

shut up, pretty sure she's in a relationship anyway.

is she hot though

idk, we haven't showed each other our faces.


i hope you fall in love <3333

fuck off tae, she's taken and we're just teammates online.

what's her ign


wtf is that suppose to mean

idk think she mentioned gg meant good game.

do you have matching igns ;)))

mine is yoggi

they kinda match!!

ship it

i hope you fall in love.

i'm so done with you three, mine clearly means yoongi?? so like

argh it doesn't matter, imma go message her.


i leaned backwards letting my upper body fall down on my bed. my mum never came with my hot chocolate so she probably left it on the counter forgotten and cold.

i curled my toes into the soft sheep like texture carpet. i opened up my phone again, ignoring the texts the boys were sending to instead message yggip on my laptop.

i logged onto fantasy realms 5 and went on the messaging section.

yoggi: heyyyyyy i just got home

yggip: hiii and same^^ wanna start a match?

yoggi: ofc

yggip: i unlocked the new character and she looks so cool

yoggi: really? what's her attacks

yggip: teleportation *-*

yoggi: o.p

yggip: ikr! anyway i'll invite you to the party.

i may not know much information about yggip, but honestly she is really amazing. she's very good at all these video games at it amazes me at her skills. we do voice calls during matches so we don't have to constantly message each other.

but, we both use voice changers, i'm insecure about my emo sounding voice so i altered my voice to make me sound more up lifted, while she? she basically sounds like a chipmunk.

we're close, i honestly want to know much more about her and know her true self but because i don't tell her things she returns my neglect.

i wanted to learn one fact about her so i lied and said my name was yogie and she shared that she had a boyfriend.

that's about all i know.

"we're close" smh

yggip: accept the party invite and call

yoggi: done

(yggip will be in bold writing)


"hiii yogggiieeeee~"

"you know what's really annoying about you not telling me your name? i don't know what to call you."

she giggled over the call

"haha you can just call me yip"

yip.... finally a name to someone who i can officially call my friend.


"you sound so sarcastic haha"

what do you mean i sound sarcastic, i altered my voice but she couldn't stop laughing and it was so cute, a little chipmunk dying on the other side of the mic. her cuteness distracted me from the actually game.

"watch out behind you, the other team have knights"

"oh sorry"

"it's fine, i healed you, you were low hp"


i smiled, even though she couldn't see, i felt as if she knew.

i admire her gaming skills, we could just hear each other's controls being spammed with buttons.

"yes!!! yogie we won!"

"good game!"

"oh my god yogie look at what the other team said in the chat looool"

i look into the pixelated chat, squinting to see

"fucking sweaty ass tryhards get some fucking buckets you shitty ass couple"

i began to laugh, my breathless laugh.. it's been a while since i laughed like this

"wow yogie, i've never heard you laugh before"

she began to laugh as well.

"what's so funny? does my voice sound weird?"

"no, your laugh is just contagious"

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