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-taehyung's pov

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taehyung's pov

i looked up at the misty sky, i didn't know where my feet were taking me but i just wanted a break. i feel bad for yoongi, it's embarrassing.

i grab my phone out of my pocket

six missed calls from "show off"

three missed calls from "min yoongi genius"

one missed call from "jiminie"

one missed call from "eomma"

who do you reply to first?

because my pity was towards yoongi i called him back first.

(taehyung will be in bold)



"still in pain?"

"y-yeah sorry"

"don't apologise... really it's not your fault"

"i'm apologising for the fact that i'm making you worried so much... y/n told me you ran off"

"she did?..."

"yeah, where do you think you're going?"

"i-i don't know myself"

"yoongi, are you okay??? that's all that matters"

"no, my stomach is killing me and i'm catching a cold from those pricks in assembly"

"i don't want you getting sick before my birthday, or more hurt"

"can i come to yours? i want to talk to you as well..."

"yeah of course.. is something bothering you?"


"oh, right"

"sorry if that effects you in any way, i just know how-"

"how my parents divorced and so i know how to deal with things like that.. yeah i know"


the call ended and i turned round the corner in the direction of yoongi's house, he was such a inspiring soul, the way his dreams flow so smoothly, how he seems to know what his future holds and how he can hold himself together without breaking. the way he keeps strong through family problems how he tries to be brave, he keeps strong, keeps his imagine. you can't break him easily he's a fighter... even though he keeps a lot to himself he's still the type to be there for you so i need to be there for him too... he's not selfish, he just keeps things in his mind to himself instead of sharing his thoughts.

he has many things that bring smiles to his face, like gaming with that girl he likes... i really hope they end up together cause i love seeing him smile with his gummy smile. it's weird of me saying all these compliments to him right? bit gay... well that is because-

yoongi's pov

i adjusted the bandage around my body a bit more, i had no shirt on, just the bandage.. it was cold my my chest was hot from the sickness i was getting.

i accidentally pressed my hand with force on the sore area and groaned out loud, i squinted my eyes closed as one tear fell. i heard the door bell ring so i walked slowly towards the door.

i opened it and saw taehyung, he looked up and down at my exposed body and his eyes widen and his cheeks went a little red.

"uh y-yoongi what- wheres your- uh, what's the word"

"shirt?" i responded using my lower arm to cover my nipples.

i stepped aside letting him in.

"so is your mum home?"
taehyung asked taking of his jacket and wiping his boots.

"no she's working late"
i settled down on the sofa before taehyung joined me and started messing with his hair, making it fall in front of his eyes, covering them.

"does she know about your bruise"


taehyung sighed

"so anyway, what's up with your parents"

i gave tae a nudge before he turned towards me resting his head on me.

"i feel like i'm useless"

he was pretty straight forward about it and seemed very bland.

"no you're not"
he closed his eyes and adjusted him self more comfortably on my shoulder.

"i don't know..."

"did something happen?"

i played with a the few strands of hair on his face that he put in the way before he opened his eyes and leaned up again and looked at me straight in the eyes.

a/n: lol is this a taegi fanfic?!?1!1?

no >:(

or is it

i love confusion

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