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i poked her with my long sleeve that i created into a ball with my fist.

she slowly opened her eyes and saw my face, she looked down at her watch.

"look at the time! i need to make you breakfast, hurry get ready!"

i quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her back, she looked at me confused but i just shook my head. "i'm not going, i have a cold" i said taking her palm and putting it on my forehead. "don't worry about me though, my friend taehyung said he'd look after me" my mum just nodded fast, she probably wasn't understanding from how tired she was.

"oh okay, that means i can go to work early and don't need to stay late!" she claimed, brushing off her uniform and heading to the bathroom. "i'll just brush my teeth and i'll be off" she quickly hurried into the bathroom and like that she was gone.


i undid a few top buttons on my onesie because i was sweaty a bit and i sat down and closed my eyes, yesterday.. tae told me... he wants a boyfriend... "eventful" i mumbled to myself before i felt a grab on my onesie hood and it was taking down and replaced with a kiss.

"bye honey!" my mum said behind me, i turned towards her and suddenly she lit up more "oh i remember now! could you go to your dads house and pick up holly, and maybe take her for a walk with your friend?" i raised my eyebrows but agreed. "yeah of course, okay don't be late now" i said and helped her get out of the door, i stood in the door way and waved her off.


"tae, wake up" i didn't know his sleeping habits or how to wake him up, since it was his first time he's slept here. i tickled his feet, just a grunt came out, i then squeezed his thigh and a... moan.

"tae for fuck sake" i slapped his cheeks softly, "wake. the. fuck. up. mate."
i then pulled my hands out of the sleeves and made my fingers into a heart, but this wasn't anything nice. instead i twisted his nipples.

"ah- yoo-yoongi" it felt so wrong to hear him say this, but i got him up so i didn't care.

"it's time to get up, i need to get my dog, take him on a walk and then we can take him to the basket ball court and play" i think this pretty much made tae get up and ready, the words dog and play basket ball seemed to do it.


i rang the door bell of my dads house, i haven't seen him since christmas, ever since he moved out from the divorce of my family he just simply moved on. he found himself a new wife. they've been desperately trying for a baby together. i don't want a step sibling to be honest. i like being an only child. holly doesn't like the new wife either, he always growls when i drop him off, my reaction would be the same if i wasn't lazy enough to speak.

the door was opened by his wife, she looked at me and taehyung, in a disgusted way. i reminded both my dad and his new wife of my mum in terms of looks, which they both hate and hate seeing me here because. "oh.. hello yunki.." she said more focused on taehyung at the back.

"um.. hi, is my dad home?" she kept on staring before after a while of silence. "yes, but don't call him your dad" she walked back into the house closing the door slightly so we couldn't see in. i could just hear them in the background.

"yunki is here"
"argh really, what does he want"
"i don't know, he had a friend with him"
"shouldn't he be at school?"
"i don't know and i don't care"

the door was reopened by my father, there looking worse then usual. like a posh little snob he is, he cleared his throat, adjusted his tie and gave me a stern look. "what seems to be the matter?" his awful acting made me cringe.

"can i have holly back" he opened the door more widely and guided us to step inside "come get her shit and get her out" he said dropping the posh rich boy vibe. "he" i corrected him on misgendering my dog.

taehyung sat down on a chair while i went into the kitchen and around the house collecting his toys, food and bed.


taehyung just sat and looked into a dark room, he felt like there was something up with that room, not sure what, until he saw movement accrue in the room. then he saw a small shaped figure. by the way the figure had a really huge head, he remembered how yoongi's dads wife had her hair really high and instantly knew it was her. why the fuck is she watching me.

it made him uncomfortable, but who wouldn't be. yoongi came back with a plastic tesco bag with a bunch of squeak toys and dry food and sat beside me. his dad shortly came behind into the room as well.

"so" yoongi spoke "where the fuck is holly?" he said, pulling the bag closer to himself.

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