An Unknown Force

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Where am I? Are those- oh wow. I don't think my arm is supposed to point that way. Whatever happened, I'm hurt pretty bad. OH! The pain is hitting me in full force. It's not just my arm- it's my leg, at least that.  It's probably broken.  What happened to me? I- I can't remember anything. Worst of all, perhaps, is that I can't remember anything.

I suppose I'll have to call for help... Or, I could just sit, and try to remember, try to think.  I know I can't leave- or, can I? At the very least, I could crawl out of here. Do I want to? What if the world I can't remember, the life I can't remember, is worse than this place? Is that possible? OW!!!! The pain is clouding my vision. It hurts less than before, at least. Now that the pain leaves, I can see I'm in- a field? But, there's a house over there, and it's full of rocks. Maybe that might be safer than this area.

I make a feeble attempt to drag myself over to it. Then I see it- the stairs. How can I drag myself up those? In my agony-framed vision, they look like- like, skyscrapers. I curl myself up, against the wall, and returned to my original plan- trying to figure out what hit me.

Maybe- maybe not remembering is better. Maybe the world- wait, is there even a world? What if everything, and everyone is gone, placed in their own graveyard of buried bodies and broken souls. That, we have all been placed in- wherever I am, it's not heaven. Heaven should be full of good vibes. Not the pure, concentrated hatred I'm feeling. Not the agony and torture I'm enduring. I hope I'm not dead. I know that I've got a lot of living left.  I'm not sure how I know, but I do. I know, I just kno- OUCH!! Here's the pain again, stronger, so, so much stronger. I'm, I'm scared. Will I live? Or, am I even alive? Bringing me back to that. That scares me. As a- a- a... How old am I? 16? 15? 14? Judging by my skin, still young, but as a however old I am person, I've got a whole life left for me. I- I can't be there, I just- I just can't.

Please, please, please, somebody, be out there. Please. I need help, I need someone's help. Is- is there even anyone out there? I feel tears run down my cheeks, from pain, from fatigue, and from fear.

Who- who's that. They're walking towards me. How can I get away from here? What if they hurt me? They're coming towards me, closer, and closer until- AHHHH! The pain returns again. The person touches my forehead, and the pain slips away, until I have only a memory of the torture that had overcome me.

"Who- who are you?" I manage to spit out.

"That hardly matters right now, does it." Their voice was vaguely female. Without pain clouding my vision, I notice her face is sharp and angular- defined cheekbones, thin lips, and startling bright purple eyes, that match her long purple ponytail. "Come with me, if you want to live, Tim Miller."

A scream pierced the still air. I made no hesitation to grab her hand and run away.

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