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Akari was running. She wasn't stopping for anything. She was in the air shaft before she heard it. Even now, she still heard it. And she was a mile away from it.

She had woken up in a strange room, filled with a bunch of people. They were poking around her room, that had, to her horror, her clothes lying about and the contents of her purse. The people walking around were barely clothed, if so, at all. She screamed at everyone to get out. Once they left, she dressed and planned a way out. She found two armed guards outside of the door.  She stayed in her room, barely eating. Any food she got went into the bag. She never slept; all time went into planning. She thought these people were clearly mental.

So, the first chance she got, she left. She crawled through the air shaft, jumped into the yard, and ran.

She was still running. She stopped and sat, once she was so lost, she didn't know how to get back.

"Please, please, please," she whispered, and her eyes slid back in her head, and she remembered no more.


    They found her lying on the ground, slumped in a heap. They picked her up, and carried her back to her prison.



    "Not again," Akari groaned. She was in a different room, with walls made of- tree bark? After a quick look around, she saw everything in her room was organic. No air shafts to escape through, nothing to even charge her phone. Probably no Wi-Fi, either.

"Great," she muttered. Now, there was no visible escape.  How could she leave?

The door creaked open. "Don't you people knock?" Akari said.

"I resent that," a smooth male voice answered. Akari turned to see a boy, probably thirteen, or fourteen. Her heart melted. He was, in her opinion, cute. He had sandy blond hair, and a killer smile. His skin shimmered slightly, with a green-tint, that disappeared, and reappeared after a minute or two.

    "Wow, uh, I- I meant, I wasn't, um, wow." Akari felt tongue-tied, something that never happened to her.

"First of all- I am not human. I am elf-kind. Second, running away will only make you so tired, you'll drop, and be completely defenseless if the dragi or drakons attack." He said, in a teasing kind of voice. Akari was just watching him, and it took a few minutes before she realized he had said something.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." She said, walking across the room. "Um, did you elves think to get me any necessities? Hair brush, makeup, clothes?" She said, sitting back down on the oversized leaf she had been sleeping in. She was making small talk, trying to keep him with her.

"In the closet. I'm supposed to tell you, the blood test came back positive- you're a dryad." He said, leaving.

Akari screamed. "BLOOD TEST!" She was deathly terrified of needles.

"Yes, we needed a sample to find out what training you needed. Dining room is down the hall, third door on the right. Questions?" He said, grinning.

"Uh, yeah! What's your name? Where am I? Oh, and, WHO GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO STICK A SHARP NEEDLE INTO MY FLESH!!!" She screamed, obviously still ticked about the needle.

"No one. And you're in the Yggdrasil- the world tree. Finally, my name is Phillippe."

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