Chapter 6

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Just then Ali returned with an ice-cold glass of water, and saw Emily looking at her phone.

"Who texted?" Ali asked.

Emily looked up at Ali and replied, "It's a text from A."

"What? What's it say?" Ali said.

"Umm... Sick of home. How about the dance this weekend? I will see there. A." Emily read the text out loud.

Confused by the text, Ali looked at Emily and suddenly the doorbell rang. Ali dashed to the door and when she came back up with Spencer following behind her.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Spencer asked Emily.

"Still a little sore. Other then that, I'm good." Emily answered.

Spencer walked over to Emily and sat next to her, Alison moved as if Spencer was going to injure Emily.

"I'm not going to hurt her." Spencer said.

"Sorry, I know you wont. Did you get the A text about the dance?" Ali asked.

Spencer looked at Emily and then Alison. She answered "No, what text."

"A wants us to go to that hoe-down. I don't think its safe to go." Ali pointed out.

"If A is going to be there, I think we should go." Emily suggested.

Spencer noticed how Alison became unsettled when Emily suggested that the go to dance, Spencer tried to play out any plans that A might try to congener at the dance. She only come up with one reason A would want Emily there, but she really didn't want to say it. Alison looked up at Spencer and was puzzled at her reaction.

"Spencer, what is it?" Alison asked.

"Nothing." Spencer answered.

Emily looked at Spencer and commented "You had a thought, what was it?"

"I can only think of one reason why A would want us there." Spencer explained. "Well tells us." Emily replied.

"Maybe to finish what he tried to do at the lake house." Spencer pointed out.

Alison glanced over at Emily terrified that Spencer maybe right. Ali couldn't bare to see Emily get hurt again.

"You think A wants to hurt Emily again." Ali suggested.

"Well A shot Emily not for the fun if it, but because A knew how much you cared about Emily." Spencer explained.

"So what do we do?" Ali asked feeling guilty.

"I say we go and get revenge on A for doing this to Emily." Spencer suggested.

Spencer glanced over at Emily and then Alison waiting for them to answer her. Toby was going to ask her to the dance anyway.

"I say lets do it." Emily agreed.

"I agree." Alison finally

Spencer hoped up with a smile on her face and exclaimed "Alright, I'll tell Hanna and Aria. I have to go, I'm meeting Toby."

Spencer grabbed her navy jean bag and walked out the room, Alison waited until she heard the door close before saying something. As soon as the door closed, turned to Emily with a worried look on her face. Emily looked up and said "Don't give me that look."

"How am I suppose to react? I don't want to lose you to A again." Ali replied.

"I'll be fine, plus I wont be alone. We'll be there together, Aria, Hanna, Spencer and you. A wont get a chance to hurt me." Emily explained.

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