Chapter 18

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The girls ran upstairs and began searching for their friend, hoping they would find her unharmed. Aria and Hanna darted to Jason's room, in hopes that Spencer would be in there. Alison ran to her room and froze in the doorway, Emily glanced over Ali's shoulder to see the room. The two girls slowly entered the room, but ran at the sight of Spencer laying on the floor.

"Oh my god Spencer." Emily yelled.

"She's in here!" Alison yelled.

With the sound of Ali's voice, the door slammed before the others could get to them. Emily glanced up hoping to see her friends coming to help, but shot up at the sight of the last person she wanted to see.

"Ali!" Emily yelled.

Alison turned and watched as Emily jumped in front of her. Alison handed her the shovel that Spencer had.

"Stay back!" Emily demanded.

The shadowy figure slowly approached the two girls and could see that Emily was shaking.

In a low hiss they could hear the stranger say, "Whats wrong Em? We both know you want to kill me."

"Leave...NOW!" Emily shouted.

The other two began banging on the door, trying to get in.

"Little Ali, have you thought about what I offered you?" The hooded figure said with a creepy hiss.

"What offer?" Emily asked turing to Alison.

Suddenly the dark figure lunged at Emily, tackling her to the ground. Alison couldn't think of any other way to wake Spencer. Alison raised her hand and slapped her across the face. Spencer shot up and turned to Alison with a red mark on her face.

"OW! What the hell Ali?" Spencer yelled.

Alison pointed at the stranger attacking Emily. Spencer ran to the hooded figure, while Ali went to unlock the door for the other girls. Everyone descended on the masked stranger.

"Spencer, get Ali out of here!" Emily shouted.

Spencer rose up, running towards Alison and pulled her out of the room. The mysterious figure turned and finally pushed the others off.

"He's going after Ali and Spencer!" Aria yelled.

Spencer and Alison were already half way to her house, knowing the Mrs. Hastings was home. Alison turned and saw the hooded figure right behind them.

"Spencer!" Alison yelled.

Spencer turned not wanting to stop and ran to her back door. Trying to find the key in the dark was like finding a needle in a hay stack. Ali kept her eyes out of the stranger who was trying to attack them. The sound of a twig snapping alerted Spencer that they were not alone. She slowly turned and prepared herself for the worst. Alison slowly stepped behind her friend and watched Spencer stare the enemy in the face.

"Strike one, you don't want to get three strikes." The hooded stranger said in a hissing voice.

They began to approach the two girls and reached for something in their pocket. Spencer's eyes widened at the sight of the small, but powerful gun.

"Spencer, get behind me." Alison said.

"No Ali, A wants you. I am not going to let him, her, it hurt you." Spencer said.

"The last time..." Ali began.

Spencer snapped and blurted, "The last time it wasn't A."

A raised their arm and pointed the gun right at Spencer and said, "This is your one chance to move or you will end up like you friend Emily."

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