Chapter 33

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The girls say their goodbyes and head off to college. A lot of things go down with the girls, but now they must come back to Rosewood for CeCe's trial.

Alison ran out to catch the mail man before he left. She handed the mailman the letters and walked back up to her porch. Alison felt something moving in her pocket. She reached into her pocket and pulled phone.

"Hello." Alison said.

"Hey, it's Emily. How's the school year going?" Emily asked.

Alison smiled, and as she walked inside she answered Emily's question.

"Hey, I'll be in town this weekend." Emily mentioned.

"Great ! Hey I have to go to work, I'll call later." Alison said.

She hung up the phone and walked out to her car. As she drove to school, she was debating wether or not to let Emily stay with her. She pulled into a parking and began walking towards her classroom. Finding a tall black haired girl sitting on her desk,and a big smile grew on her face as she saw a familiar face. She hopped out of her car and ran into Emily's arms.

"I thought you said you weren't coming to town till the weekend." Alison said.

"I wanted to surprise you and my mother." Emily replied.

"I wish you would have told me, I have class today." Alison said.

"Well, how many classes?" Emily asked.

Alison pulled out her agenda and turned to the present date.

"Well I only have two, but after today we go on Christmas break. How long are you going to be in town?" Alison asked.

"I don't know honestly." Emily answered.

Suddenly the bell rang and students began to pour into Alison's classroom.

"I'd better..." Emily began.

"No, you're more then welcome to stay." Alison interrupted.

Emily walked to the front of the class and watched as the students came in. Alison pulled over an extra chair to the side of her desk. As Emily sat down, she watched as her friend began the lesson of the day.

"Mis. DiLaurentis I don't mean to be rude, but who is she?" One of the students asked.

Alison turned to her friend and face the student again.

"This is an old friend of mine, her name is Ms.Fields." Alison answered the students question.

Emily waved to the class and didn't speak a word.

"Wait, Fields as in Emily Fields?" A student called out.

Emily glanced over at Alison and back at the student. She got up and walked over to Alison.

"Yes, how did you know that?" Emily asked.

"I'm on the swim team and the coach talks about you all the time. She told us how fast you were." the student explained.

Emily smiled, then turned to Alison and gave a smile. Ali has known Emily long enough to know when she was upset. Emily couldn't give a fake smile if her life depended on it. She could fool the other girls, but not Alison. She turned to her class and told them to read the first two chapters of The Scarlet Letter. Ali walked into the hall closing the door softly.

"Em?" Alison whispered.

Emily was sitting up against the wall with her head facing down. Alison knelt down and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Em are you okay?" Alison asked.

"Yea, fine. Really." Emily said with a raspy voice.

Alison tilted her head.

"Emily you should know by now you can't pull a lie over on me." Alison explained.

"It's nothing really." Emily said as she got up and began to walk away.

Alison grabbed Emily's arm and turned her around once again.

"Why don't trust me? Maybe I can help." Alison said.

"It's nothing to do with trust. I just don't want to talk about it." Emily replied.

Alison wanted to help Emily feel better, even though she had no idea what was wrong with her.

"Can we talk about it at lunch? I'll come back and bring food from the Brew." Emily suggested.

"Okay." Alison agreed.

She released Emily's arm and watched as Emily walked away. Alison went back into her classroom to begin the lesson. 

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